She who smelt it dealt it – IOTW Report

She who smelt it dealt it

PatriotRetort: Suddenly I am thinking of the old playground taunt, “She who smelt it dealt it.”

That vile and hateful crone who wants to be Commander-in-Chief had the nerve to accuse Donald Trump of being responsible for the increase in terrorist attacks not just in the US but throughout the world.


Yes, Hillary believes it is Trump’s “rhetoric” that has caused this spike in terrorist attacks that began several years before Trump announced his candidacy.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with the Obama Administration making a hot mess out of the Middle East.

Nope. Not one bit.

Scampering out of Iraq and leaving the country vulnerable to the crazies didn’t do it.

Helping to execute Gaddafi and throwing Libya into chaos didn’t do it.


12 Comments on She who smelt it dealt it

  1. She had to get the narrative out there for the MSM and her other surrogates to embellish while she disappears for six days into her debate embalming process.

    She told the Temple kids roday that this campaign was depressing. I hope it only gets more so for her.

  2. It’s Lefty psy-ops. They figure if they spout this nonsense long enough, people will believe them.

    They don’t seem to realize that to pull it off you have to be at least a little trustworthy, and NO ONE trusts them anymore.

    Considering that Clinton and Obama did so much illicit and ill conceived meddling in the Middle East, most people know that they are the ones responsible for the current level of terrorism against our country.

  3. They can put new tents from Omar on Cankles, they can even hang a new collar and leash on her, but she is still a dog! What she barks and yelps about Trump saying is EXACTLY what she has done, is doing, and will continue to do. He has not the exposure over the past 8 yrs to accomplish this, yet there she is whining and yelping. Those who are not brainwashed leftist idiots, who have figured out how to escape the servitude she want everyone in for her self-aggrandizement, know better and don’t buy or listen to the cunt anymore. Her “audience” is in full-revolution and the Dhimmos don’t know what to do except stick their ‘mouthpieces’ like Reid on their media propaganda machines (CNN, MSM, FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC). The sad part is no one listens to these Goebbles yackers anyway. Can many ways can Hillary make an shit omelette? Stay tuned.

  4. Just over saturated with her ad nauseum nit picky yeow yowing. I take EVERY SNIPPY SNARKY YAP-YAP derogatory comment she vomits and just reverse it. She’s literally talking about herself.
    This is the only way I keep my BP in check.

  5. That ad that has a picture of toe nail fungus brings Hillary and Obama to mind, every time I see it. Toxic Black Fungus is a great description of liberalism. Spreads like wildfire; hides in dark places, until exposed; is unsightly; stinks; destroys its host; and is damned hard to eradicate. Need a specialist to clean it up, who is unafraid to tell you the truth of the infestation and cost to clean up.

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