Held hostage by CNN – IOTW Report

Held hostage by CNN

PatriotRetort: I saw my rheumatologist this morning for my six-month Lupus check-up. I love my doctor. She’s so patient and actually listens to me. It’s rare to find a specialist who doesn’t treat you like you’re an inconvenience.

The downside of going to see her is having to sit in the waiting room and be held hostage by CNN.

I got there twenty minutes early.

What the hell was I thinking?!


For twenty minutes I had to be subjected to the witless prattle of Chris Cuomo and Dana Bash or Alisyn Camerota (or whatever blond bint is the cohost).

They were reporting on the FBI manhunt for the guy believed to be involved in the bombings in New York and New Jersey.

Imagine my utter lack of surprise that his name was Ahmad Khan Rahami.

You could almost see the disappointment on their faces when they reported the suspect was a naturalized US citizen from Afghanistan.

I bet they were bummed the guy wasn’t named Charlie Smith. What a let-down for them that the perp wasn’t a Trump supporter who slithered out of Hillary’s basket of deplorables to commit these bombings.

I wanted to smack myself silly for forgetting to bring my earbuds with me.  MORE

9 Comments on Held hostage by CNN

  1. Projectile barfing is what the Clinton News Network(CNN) does hourly. I never would stay in the same office where it is playing. If i couldn’t unplug the set, or change the station, i would wait outside and ask the desk to ping your cellphone when its your turn. Hope all went well, Mary Jane. I empathize with you on that one.

  2. It irks me that I have to get my news during the day from CNN. There’s a monitor in the waiting area where I work that alternates court instructional videos with CNN.

    I would rather watch the video on how to serve process on an endless tape loop in Hell rather than listen to the deranged crew at CNN.

  3. CNN must have a mind control feature for liberals. I visited my diehard Democrat sister last year and every time I returned to my room, the TV was reset to CNN.
    It was bizarre. I’ve been a Republican for 28 yrs. and she still thinks she can reform me.

  4. @Thirdtwin, there are signal jammers available if you search for them, but they require very close range. Might work, might not. I have plans for one but never tried to build it — too complicated for this old bastard, and the tiny parts are hell to work with anymore.
    Military grade jammers — now, that’s the ticket (if you can get a hold of one).

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