TIRED? After today, Hillary has nothing on public calendar until debate — in 6 days – IOTW Report

TIRED? After today, Hillary has nothing on public calendar until debate — in 6 days

AM: Hillary Clinton noted there are just 50 days before voters head to the polls, but that’s not stopping her from apparently laying low for the next 6 of them.

Clinton held a rally at Temple University today, and, according to her public schedule posted at HillarySpeeches.com, she has nothing public planned until the first presidential debate on September 26th.


21 Comments on TIRED? After today, Hillary has nothing on public calendar until debate — in 6 days

  1. Although there will be no live personal images of Hillary at events and certainly no press conferences, there will be a carefully crafted persona projected.

    There will be an influx of highly paid, slick Hillary campaign commercials to bolster the coordinated false narrative the media has received from the campaign.

    The media will dutifully follow the script handed them to pick up the slack during her absence. CNN and the media elite will selectively edit Trump’s comments.

    The media has been employed (highly paid) to project the imaginary positive character of Hillary she has failed to deliver and attack and vilify Trump.

    The concocted imaginary Hillary is so much better than the vicious, lying and conniving, true to life, Hillary.

  2. Its going to take 6 days for Hillary’s handlers to brace her up, stage convenient props for her to lean on, fix her horrid hospital patient hair, pin, tuck and cover her baggy eyes, and figure an nondetectable way to feed her answers. Notice, her speech pattern now seems to be at a cadence of listening and then speaking. Watch her eyes; they shift about like a person listening to something. Even on the plane.

  3. Let her rest up.
    Let her practice in private.
    Let her take all the drugs she needs to feel better.

    As long as she has a gran mal seizure
    on stage at the debates, that’ll be fine.

  4. Tired? She is the Lily Von Schtupp of politics.

    But without the legs. Without the sense of humour. Without the good looks of Madeline Kahn. Without the singing voice. Without a conscience. Without a soul.

  5. BB, I’m positive she’s alive but ill. After watching more footage from that event, it appears that she was pointing to someone holding a “love trumps hate” sign out of view while on stage, but clearly there as she exited to her right.

  6. Geez. The campaign must REALLY be afraid she can’t handle the demands of the debate to keep her out of sight for this long with only T minus 7 weeks to blastoff.

    This is, like, one of VERY few times in my life I wish I had a teevee. I’ll listen on the radio but this is one time I will really want visuals.

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