Phone Bank For Hillary Clinton Is Not Secure – IOTW Report

Phone Bank For Hillary Clinton Is Not Secure

Clinton’s Campaign Website Allows Immediate Access to Phone Numbers, Locations, and Full Names
hillary put our national security at risk

Regated: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has come under fire for her mishandling of classified electronic information. The official report, as represented by FBI Director James Comey’s press conference, essentially boils Clinton’s mishandling down to “incompetence and ignorance”.

The general public found that explanation somewhat incompatible with the media’s unified portrayal of Clinton as supremely capable, highly intelligent, impeccably educated, and wildly experienced. It’s interesting to note that prior to Clinton’s stint as Secretary of State, she served as Senator from NY and First Lady of the United States. To say she was previously acquainted with classified documents, and the marking thereof, would be understating things considerably.

In addition to mounting evidence that Clinton was very well aware that the emails she kept on an insecure private server and accessed via insecure Blackberries and laptops, a recent visit to her phone banking web portal illustrates her continued disregard for private information.

This time, it might very well be YOUR private information.

As of September 19th at 7:47 PM, I was able to log into her phone banking website using two separate burner email accounts, a false name, and false zip code. I was immediately granted access to voters personal information without so much as an email verification.  The myriad safety and privacy concerns range from more mundane annoyance of increased telemarketer call, to the legitimately nightmarish potential for domestic violence scenarios.

More on that HERE

2 Comments on Phone Bank For Hillary Clinton Is Not Secure

  1. What a despicable bint Hillsey is. I think prison terms (three life terms served consecutively) would be more lifting to America than her being the first Queen of the gender type ruling and reigning over us. Most sane voters will not knuckle down to do obedience to her Thighness in an Omar Tent.

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