Emails Show That Clinton Ally “Vicious Sid” Urged Reporter To Investigate Obama’s Activities In Kenya – IOTW Report

Emails Show That Clinton Ally “Vicious Sid” Urged Reporter To Investigate Obama’s Activities In Kenya

DC: A journalist who says that longtime Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal urged him in 2008 to investigate whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya has released emails that shed new light on the matter.


The journalist is James Asher, the former Washington bureau chief for McClatchy Newspapers.

He caused a stir on Friday when he wrote on Twitter that in 2008, Blumenthal told him during a face-to-face meeting that Obama was born in Kenya. Blumenthal, a former journalist and Bill Clinton White House aide, denied the accusation on Sunday, telling Fox News that what Asher claimed “never happened.”

Asher’s emails with Blumenthal, which were provided to McClatchy and the Los Angeles Times, do not prove his accusations true, though the journalist has maintained all along that Blumenthal never put his birther theories down in writing. Regardless, the documents do not portray Blumenthal in a positive light. They show that Blumenthal sought to plant stories with Asher about Obama’s Kenyan ties, his Kenyan father, and his familial ties to “controversial Muslim groups” in Kenya.


7 Comments on Emails Show That Clinton Ally “Vicious Sid” Urged Reporter To Investigate Obama’s Activities In Kenya

  1. Whatever Obola is, he has no American values, no American morality, and no American sense of what it means to be an American.

    He has actively aided and abetted the enemies of the United States, Western Civilization in General, and what used to be known as Christendom.

    Fuck him. Let Reggie fuck him in his moslem Kenyan ass. And then fuck him in his shitty, lying face.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “But fact-checkers who looked into the roots of the theory have determined that Clinton’s campaign was not involved in peddling stories questioning Obama’s birthplace”

    Well no shit Sherlock. Just like Obama didn’t have to directly tell Lois Lerner to sic the IRS on Tea party groups. Just a quick dog whistle like “Boy those Tea Party groups are dragging us down, I wish there was something we could to neutralize them.” That is followed by the wink and a nod and dozens of IRS investigations. Or Christie and Bridgegate in NJ. Just a bad word with a look on the face and the surrogates know exactly what needs to be done.

    All Hillary had to do was say “Wow, look at this photo of him in Muslim garb and his father is from Kenya and the publicist of his book tells us he was a foreigner. Sounds rather odd, don’t you think Syd?” Wink wink nod nod and then a phone call to Asher at McClatchy services.

  3. Henry II “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”

    Becket – Murdered at the altar of Canterbury.

    Did Henry specifically order the death of Becket?

    Comey – “There was no clear intent …”

    What does I think it means?

    izlamo delenda est …

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