Border Agents Warn Of Increasing Illegal Immigration From Cuba – IOTW Report

Border Agents Warn Of Increasing Illegal Immigration From Cuba


MRC: While the vast majority of illegal border crossings remain concentrated at the Southwest U.S. border between the United States and Mexico, Customs and Border Protection is now warning of an escalating situation on another border front to the east: Florida.

“U.S. Border Patrol has observed a steady increase in maritime illegal immigration and drug-smuggling attempts over the past year up and down Florida’s coastline,” CBP warned in a press release issued late last week.

The immigration agency reported it apprehended 56 illegal aliens from Cuba last week alone in a “string of landings” representing a significant several-day spike for that particular sector.  MORE

9 Comments on Border Agents Warn Of Increasing Illegal Immigration From Cuba

  1. We got a bunch of those Cuban “refugees” back in the 1980s, thanks to Bill Clinton. Most were criminals or insane, all the undesirables. I know Fidel laughed his ass off about that one. I imagine most are now working for the DNC.

    *I always liked that Cuban Express truck-boat picture. lol

  2. @Unruly refugee:

    We got a bunch of those Cuban “refugees” back in the 1980s 1980, thanks to Bill Clinton Jimmy Carter.


    It all started with the so-called Mariel Boatlift, which ran from mid-April to the end of October, 1980.

  3. I received the Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Achievement back in 94-95 (USCG.) We’d set up tents on our flight deck to shelter the migrants, burn their vessels by dousing them with JP5 helicopter fuel and tossing in flares, then return them to Cuba for processing at Guantanamo Bay. Didn’t get much sleep during those patrols. One day I counted 6 water spouts all around us at the same time! Crazy. Dangerous. You knew shit was bad if they were willing to risk their lives to get the hell out of Cuba. Of course Michael Moore would disagree.

  4. @Uncle Al, Clinton had them sent to Ft. Chaffee, Ark., and it seems like it took a while for all of them to accumulate there. But the locals were pissed. Yeah, Carter too, but he would have had to send them somewhere else if not for the Clintons.

  5. Uncle Al, that was when a lot of Arkansans started hating the Clintons. Crime rates went up too. And Carter did send some to different places, I only know about the Ft. Chaffee bunch.

    It almost ended Bill Clinton’s career. It’s a real shame that it didn’t, we might not have Hillary to deal with.

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