They picked the wrong guy to rob – IOTW Report

They picked the wrong guy to rob

BleacherReport: Napoleon Harris is a Democratic State Senator in Illinois, former NFL linebacker and owner of two pizza franchises who was just trying to make a delivery earlier in September. Instead, he ended up fighting off muggers and playing a significant role in the capture of three murder suspects.

According to CBS Chicago, the 6’3”, 250-pound Harris owns two Beggars Pizza franchises near Chicago and was looking to give his crew a break by making a delivery himself. Harris’ spokesman, Sean Howard, said the order was not real and instead used to set up a mugging, and four men attacked the former linebacker at a vacant house. more

10 Comments on They picked the wrong guy to rob

  1. Well, now…this happens in Chicago, which has been run by Democrats since forever, and he’s a Democrat…who might soon be changing parties? Who might soon be voting for Trump?

  2. What would have happened to the person who normally would have delivered? Years ago I delivered pizzas & had my pizzas stolen (they didn’t ask for my money so I was happy to hand over the boxes).
    Situational awareness took on a whole new meaning in less than 5 seconds.

  3. 6’3”, 250-pound Harris

    And was still considered a target worthy of attacking.

    We’re not all linebackers, btw.

    Even a 5 round snubby falls short in today’s world. Hi capacity mags are the only way to go.

    If you think one-on-one is all you’ll face and you are SO awesome at fighting, well – it may be the last underestimation you make. “I can fight with the best of them!” Really? Against multiple assailants? No. Not really and not the women in my life, for sure.

  4. Very cool! Nice work! And to solve a murder in the process….? What are the odds…?

    Oh, wait….it was in Chicago, wasn’t it?

    Why no mention of the races of the suspects and murder victim?

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