Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in swing state – IOTW Report

Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in swing state

CharlotteObserverKae Roberts and Jay Eardly were leaning toward Hillary Clinton before Monday night’s debate.

By the end, they had both pulled away.

John Kokos and Hank Federal were undecided going in, potential Clinton backers.

By the end, they’d ruled her out.

Indeed, while polls found that Clinton had won the first general-election debate with Donald Trump on Monday, she may not have won actual votes. And she may even have lost some, at least in the battleground state of North Carolina.

In a focus group of 21 voters from around Charlotte conducted by McClatchy and The Charlotte Observer, four who had been up for grabs before the debate had moved away from her by the end.


14 Comments on Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in swing state

  1. Trump could have put her away and nailed her coffin shut last night. A great political debater might have gotten that done, but Ted Cruz wasn’t on the stage. We will know more in a few weeks. Trump matches the national mood better than Clinton does, but I’m not sure that comes across to the undecided who are looking for something that neither of the candidates can provide. It’s going to be very close and down to the wire.

  2. This was an all-time record audience for a presidential debate. If you look at Trump’s rally audience numbers, I bet you find some record-shattering there, as well. And if you look at the debate audience closely, you’d probably find that it skews markedly towards Trump. This is not good news for Hillary. Aside from the MSM foghorn and the Hillary/DNC astrotweeting, they’re just not that into you, Cankles.

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