Donald Trump Jr. Talks Second Amendment – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Jr. Talks Second Amendment

BearingArms: SilencerCo. sat down with Donald Trump, Jr., son of Presidential candidate Donald Trump, to talk about firearms and firearms-related issues.

According to SilncerCo’s CEO Joshua Waldron, meeting with Trump Jr. is a risky move for his company but it’s something they felt compelled to do because of the need to protect the Second Amendment.

“The Second Amendment for us – for me, the Second Amendment isn’t just a passion and a hobby that I do every weekend,” Trump Jr. says.  MORE

5 Comments on Donald Trump Jr. Talks Second Amendment

  1. “According to SilncerCo’s CEO Joshua Waldron, meeting with Trump Jr. is a risky move for his company but it’s something they felt compelled to do because of the need to protect the Second Amendment.”

    Is Josh an idiot progressive who just woke up one morning and said to himself, “I think I’ll go into the gun business, there’s a lot of money to be made there.”? His statement about risk can only mean he worries about offending his anti-2A customers — and that makes NO sense. Or does he believe that his Killery-supporting customers will be offended? ???!

    One of our tactics for GOTV here in King county is to visit all the gun shops and drop off voter registrations for their customers to fill out. We then pick them up and mail them in for them. We’ve had a huge, enthusiastic response and partnership with them. But there was one owner who said, “No! We aren’t interested!” His response about knocked me off my chair. Leaving all politics aside, how can someone whose livelihood depends on the 2A not be “interested?”

  2. “It’s risky 11:39 because aligning yourself with a candidate who is not a shoe-in means you are putting a target on your back if he is defeated. ”

    If Trump loses he’s out of Biz in a couple years anyway. No risk.

  3. @AbigailAdams: “…how can someone whose livelihood depends on the 2A not be ‘interested?'”

    Well, I’m guessing he’s extremely paranoid and afraid it might be a trap. After all, who knows what kind of 60-Minutes-style sting operation he might be getting set up for with those forms?


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