Liberal reporter: ‘My left toe has more excitement’ than NH Hillary rally – IOTW Report

Liberal reporter: ‘My left toe has more excitement’ than NH Hillary rally

AM: Doctors said Hillary Clinton’s “pneumonia” wasn’t contagious, but her lack of energy apparent is.

Jordan Chariton from the left-wing news site “The Young Turks” was on-location for Hillary’s Durham, New Hampshire appearance on Wednesday with Bernie Sanders.

The reporter for the site, which has been decidedly pro-Bernie during the election, captured the palpable malaise at the rally.

“We’re about 10-15 minutes before Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders,” Chariton said.

“Gotta keep it real: We were outside coming in, I think my left toe has more excitement than what I saw out there.”

8 Comments on Liberal reporter: ‘My left toe has more excitement’ than NH Hillary rally

  1. That’s because I don’t think Hillary understands concepts like “fun” and “excitement.” She understands “my way” and “the highway.”

    Also “personal enrichment.” Now the buzz would be completely different if the people at this event had paid ten grand a pop to be there.

  2. You know, I think we are being diverted by talk of Hillary’s small crowds and ill health. How many of us expected her to crash during the debate? Didn’t happen.

    They played us as we took our eyes off of what is important – the issues.

    This feeling that Trump will win because Hillary will fold, wither or stroke out while Trump beats her up with the truth got us (and Trump) in trouble.

    The debates are not rallys; Trump should be talking to the Democrats who are going to vote for Hillary because that’s what they do. He should not be talking to his supporters during the debates. He should be winning votes that would normally go to Hillary.

    So, I don’t care if she crossed her eyes, wears dumpy clothes, has fewer people at her rally than attend Sunday School or appears to have a mini stroke.

    I want to pay attention to her ugly policies and what she will do to us and our country if she wins.

    That’s what is important.

  3. I didn’t expect her to crash during the first debate-they had plenty of time to rest her up and fine tune her meds-plus they cheated but Trump should have expected that.

    Her poor crowds and obvious lack of enthusiasm are real and indicative of the shambles her campaign is in. Last go around, Romney didn’t get any excitement into his campaign until too late and Obama is a campaign monster. Plus he cheated too with the IRS.

    I just have to defer to the guy that has defied all the pundits, beat 17 seasoned politicians for the nod, has done so without the support of the GOPe(really, where are Ryan & Mcconnell and is fighting a 3 front war with the left dominated media, the UniParty and the sewer culture. And winning.

    No doubt in the next head to head, I would like him to amp it up. I bet he does too.

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