Obama’s Eulogy for Obama- Oh yeah, and Shimon Peres – IOTW Report

Obama’s Eulogy for Obama- Oh yeah, and Shimon Peres

Obama’s Eulogy For Shimon Peres: Maybe He Could See Himself In My Story- Breitbart.

President Barack Obama is in Israel for the funeral of former Israeli president Shimon Peres, pointing out that both he and Peres had “unlikely” lives.

“I think our friendship was rooted in the fact that I could somehow see myself in his story, and maybe he could see himself in mine,” he said.

7 Comments on Obama’s Eulogy for Obama- Oh yeah, and Shimon Peres

  1. This oh so predictable puerile crap from Preznit Obola needs to be rubbed in the faces of every leftist who claims to be intelligent and not act desiring the dissolution of our nation.

    Who can credibly defend this fraud, this loser, this destroyer of all that is decent?

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