Donald Trump Demands President Obama Not Pardon Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Demands President Obama Not Pardon Hillary Clinton

Breitbart: During his campaign rally in Michigan on Friday, Donald Trump demanded that President Obama not pardon Hillary Clinton.

“So here’s my question for Hillary Clinton: can you promise that not one of the five people who were granted criminal immunity will ever be allowed to serve in a Clinton Administration?” Trump stated while speaking to thousands in Novi, Michigan. “And here is the demand I am making today to President Obama: will you pledge, here and now, not to issue a pardon to Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators for their many crimes against our country and society itself?”

“No one is above the law. Not even Hillary Clinton,” he added, while referencing Clinton’s email scandal.

13 Comments on Donald Trump Demands President Obama Not Pardon Hillary Clinton

  1. Perfect! It’s about time everyone finally, once and for all, wakes up to the total corruption that has become so familiar and so normal to American gov’t and our society generally. This is why it is so shocking when someone calls it out. We are in a trance.

  2. Trump is using a bit of reverse psychology here. He’s daring Obama/Jarrett to pardon Hillary which would be a terrible optic(hate that word but it works here)

    And if he doesn’t pardon her, he comes off as the pussy that Trump cowed.

    It’s a beautiful thing

  3. Maybe Comey will come out being the good guy.
    If Lier Hillary had been charged and O’Baja pardoned her, it would be over, with Trump in, wouldn’t happen, she will go to prison.
    Yeah, I know.

  4. No, please no. I have this fantasy that justice will be served and the Hildabeast will swing from a noose. I would say thirty counts of treason for letting top secret e-mails get to our enemies while SOS would suffice to warrant capital punishment.

  5. “So here’s my question for Hillary Clinton: can you promise that not one of the five people who were granted criminal immunity will ever be allowed to serve in a Clinton Administration?”

    Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, John Bentel, Bryan Pagliano, Paul Combetta…

    Hmmm…whose name is not on that list?

    Where’s Huma?

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