It Took Obama 6 Hours to Respond to Benghazi and Hillary Didn’t Find Him – IOTW Report

It Took Obama 6 Hours to Respond to Benghazi and Hillary Didn’t Find Him

“Let’s ask the same questions of the Secretary herself. She’s a lawyer. Why wasn’t she pushing the president to fly? Why did she never request presidential permission for our forces to fly into Libyan airspace?”

Breitbart: President Obama did not personally respond to Benghazi on the night of the attack until more than six hours after the White House convened an emergency conference call, according to little-noticed State Department records reviewed by Breitbart News.

Obama’s six-hour absence, during which the United States military did not have presidential orders to enter Libyan airspace to potentially save Americans, was apparently not interrupted by Hillary Clinton.


20 Comments on It Took Obama 6 Hours to Respond to Benghazi and Hillary Didn’t Find Him

  1. The answer is simple-they never had any intention of any rescue, those guys in Benghazi were on their own from the second it started. Obama/Jarrett & Hillary were busy cooking up the bullshit video excuse and planning their $800,000 ad campaign in Pakistan.

    If you haven’t seen 13 Hours, be forewarned, you’re gonna get pissed.

    Real pissed.

  2. Canine physiology is such that after intercourse it frequently takes some time for the male to withdraw from the bitch. We all know that Barky can be a real bitch. I’ll stop here and let your imaginations work on that thought.

  3. @MM you’re correct. If everyone had died, Obama, Hillary & Panetta could have controlled the “narrative” that the consulate had been attacked, loyal security overwhelmed and a handful of Americans – including the Ambassador – had been killed.

    No mention of the CIA compound, no questions about why the US was shipping arms through Benghazi to ISIS.

  4. That deadly vine of TRUTH is moving for Barky’s and Hitllery’s throats, faster than KUDZU grows. Choke the cocksucker/carpet muncher to death. Funny that! All their well laid plans of lies, deceptions, and murders are catching up to them.

  5. Because you can’t contain the narrative if you dispatch war planes to Benghazi….and the narrative was more important than those 4 lives.
    (Just like if you go to the hospital instead of your daughter’s pleasure dome.)

  6. @govlawyer October 1, 2016 at 12:36 pm

    An inconvenient truth: All involved in Bengazi chose employment by this regime – this morning’s navel lint “was more important than those 4 lives.”

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