Gov. Moonbeam signs Bill Criminalizing Journalists Who Distribute Recordings of Abortion Providers – IOTW Report

Gov. Moonbeam signs Bill Criminalizing Journalists Who Distribute Recordings of Abortion Providers

Breitbart: A bill sponsored by Planned Parenthood that criminalizes the distribution of recordings of conversations with abortion providers is now law in California.

Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1671 into law, making it illegal for journalists to distribute audio or video recordings of healthcare providers without their consent.

As the Los Angeles Times reports, Planned Parenthood pushed the bill through the legislature even though it is already illegal to make these types of recordings without authorization in California. The abortion business argued that further punishment was needed for distributing the materials.

Spearheaded by Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles), the new law comes as Planned Parenthood is desperately attempting to suppress information regarding its “baby parts” scandal. Last year, undercover journalists from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a series of videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s alleged practices of exchanging the tissues of babies it aborts for monetary consideration and altering the position of babies during abortion to maximize the chance of harvesting intact organs.

Opponents of the bill have expressed concern about its potential to violate the First Amendment rights of the press and to obstruct journalists’ job of providing information that is in the best interests of the public. In the case of Planned Parenthood – which receives more than half-a-billion dollars in taxpayer funds – it is in the interest of taxpayers to know if their money is spent on potentially criminal behavior, such as the sale of body parts of aborted babies for profit.

11 Comments on Gov. Moonbeam signs Bill Criminalizing Journalists Who Distribute Recordings of Abortion Providers

  1. Unborn Lives Matter!, but it’s also an individuals choice that they have to live with for the rest of their lives. I made mine, you can make yours. that’s the neat thing about free will.

  2. Abortion is murder. A woman carries a new HUMAN life, not a unicorn. Killing such an innocent life is murder. PP and the Governor have so much blood on their hands. There will be justice rendered in Heaven and I will cheer.

  3. I understand that California is pretty well inhabited now by leftists, thugs and illegal aliens but aren’t there even a few around to demonstrate against this stripping of the First Amendment? Hell, look into the finances of the assemblyman who sponsored the bill and you’re find Planned Parenthood money. Maybe a few bags of blood colored water thrown onto the Governor would help the people stiffen their spines, the ones that still care that is.

  4. Massive kudos to Daleiden and his organization, to James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas, and to others like them who have made a huge impact over the past few years in exposing and shutting down illegal and immoral workings of the Left. The Leftys scream foul, complain all the way – and then people get fired, funding gets cut, and we all get a little better world.

  5. So. . . .what’s Gov Moonbeam going to do if an out-of-state internet news agency gets a reporter in and out without being caught? Cry? Whine? Temper tantrum? Stamp feet? Fortunately the state law stops at the state border.
    And to be somewhat contrary, the 1A refers to FedGov law, not state law. If a state citizen (not a serf or illegal) wants to sue the state over the state law, have at it. And good luck. Out of staters need not apply.

  6. This is an excerpt from the California State Constitution. I know, I know, since when do politicians care about a constitution…


    SEC. 2. (a) Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press.

  7. this is why this election matters so much….this is going to be challenged all the way to the supreme court….

    we have abortion on demand because SCOTUS found something in a penumbra or whatever, that gave women a “right to privacy” in their medical care, so we couldn’t arrest them for abortions because that was “medical care”…….sigh……

    but now, the government thinks it needs to know every detail of your medical care……and guess what happens if you don’t give them access……..

    what is so everlastingly holy about abortion?????….why are they so fired up to protect it???…

    stupid feminists don’t realize they are being used as sextoys and pawns in this game…..MEN make sure you can kill off THEIR kids, because they don’t want the responsibility…..but they damn sure want to have fun with you, just so long as they don’t have to face the consequences….THAT is what the abortion debate is about…

    in the oldentimes, men had to face up to the consequences of getting a girl pregnant…..they didn’t like that…..but somehow, a “men’s rights” campaign didn’t seem likely to work….

    so they made it a WOMAN’S RIGHTS thing….and to this day, most abortions are paid for by the daddie, when the state doesn’t cover it…and many girls are forced or coerced into aborting their children….

    making it illegal to record and broadcast conversations about this is a fundamental violation of the first amendment – and it will eventually be decided by the Supreme Court…….

    which is why this election is so crucial….we know how sotomayor will vote, and that dyke whose name i can’t remember….roberts’ might possibly make a sane decision, but we know we can’t rely on that….ginsbug, kennedy, and breyer will resign or die before this case reaches the court, so we will have three or maybe four new judges….

    whoever appoints those judges controls this country for the next two generations…..

    if we get justices that tell us we’re not allowed to talk about planned parenthood selling baby parts, what else do you suppose they might tell us we’re not allowed to talk about?

    i suspect there will be many many things they would rather we weren’t allowed to express our opinions about…..

    but NOT “black lives matter” – that kind of opinion will be “protected speech”………kinda like giving the “protestors”…you know…..”room to destroy”…….

    yeah…..that’s what hillary’s court appointees are going to protect….

    i have no idea what trump’s choices might be…..i DO know what hillary wants to inflict on this country……

    i’m going to vote for donald trump, and i’m going to make sure i wear a nice bright RED SHIRT when i do it…..

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