Drunken Migrants Riot in ‘Refugee’ Centre, Beat Staff, Loot Office – IOTW Report

Drunken Migrants Riot in ‘Refugee’ Centre, Beat Staff, Loot Office

Breitbart: Drunken migrants in a refugee shelter in Germany have rioted, smashing doors and property as well as robbing, attacking and injuring security staff.

The incident began in the facility in the district of Reinickendorf, north Berlin, after security discovered their office had been looted and the door broken down, Berliner Morgenpost reports.

Tensions then escalated after the staff decided to switch off the lights at around 2am. Around 50 migrants began to riot, punching and kicking the security personnel and vandalising cars nearby.  MORE

18 Comments on Drunken Migrants Riot in ‘Refugee’ Centre, Beat Staff, Loot Office

  1. lights out a 2 am. nah, that’s when they should be coming on, lots of lights on and music, loud music. they like Rammstein and Kraftwerk i hear, non stop. it helps them relax. music calms the savage beast. Ah, i love german music.

  2. Pbird,

    Leftism has burned it out of most of them. They will not respond as they historically have. The few who would, will be prevented from doing so and are already made out as greater threats than the imported invaders.

  3. The black blanket of night emboldens many a desperate venture. Black clothing (and ski masks), the German equivalent of baseball bats, and will and nerve. That should be sufficient to start.

  4. Why would anyone expect them to obey our laws and respect our rights? Look at the example our (D)irtbag politicians set for them! And besides, it is against their religion to toperate us

  5. Why would anyone expect them to obey our laws and respect our rights? Look at the example our (D)irtbag politicians set for them! And besides, it is against their religion to tolerate us

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