Buchanan: Trump Is Right About ‘Trade Predators’ — ‘America’s Allies Are Cheating and Robbing Her Blind on Trade’ – IOTW Report

Buchanan: Trump Is Right About ‘Trade Predators’ — ‘America’s Allies Are Cheating and Robbing Her Blind on Trade’

Breitbart: In his latest column, Pat Buchanan explains why Republican nominee Donald Trump is right to criticize the predatory trade practices of America’s allies and the shortsightedness of American leadership in enabling the massive trade deficits and outsourcing of production that have become “milestones of national decline.”


From Buchanan’s column:

America’s allies are cheating and robbing her blind on trade.

According to the WTO, Britain, France, Spain, Germany and the EU pumped $22 billion in illegal subsidies into Airbus to swindle Boeing out of the sale of 375 commercial jets.

Subsidies to the A320 caused lost sales of 271 Boeing 737s, writes journalist Alan Boyle. Subsidies for planes in the twin-aisle market cost the sale of 50 Boeing 767s, 777s and 787s. And subsidies to the A380 cost Boeing the sale of 54 747s. These represent crippling losses for Boeing, a crown jewel of U.S. manufacturing and a critical component of our national defense.

Earlier, writes Boyle, the WTO ruled that, “without the subsidies, Airbus would not have existed … and there would be no Airbus aircraft on the market.”  MORE

8 Comments on Buchanan: Trump Is Right About ‘Trade Predators’ — ‘America’s Allies Are Cheating and Robbing Her Blind on Trade’

  1. Yeah, and what does obama subsidize? If this was a Monopoly game, the U.S. would be holding Mediterranean and Baltic Avenues and we’d be landing in Jail and paying into Community Chest with every turn.

    Does anyone want to go in with me to create a new U.S. Monopoly game? What would you pick as game tokens?

  2. The outsourcing of US manufacturing, and Trump’s proposed responses to the cheating on trade agreements, is the issue that I feel is most important. It pisses me off to hear the elite politicians say “Those jobs aren’t coming back.” Maybe. But can’t you at least try? Trump is most right when he says stupid politicians are letting our allies cheat on the trade deals.

  3. Is there anything that Trump hasn’t eventually been proven right about, after all the monkey shit throwing by the DC class has died down and the FACTS are known?

  4. No, No, NO. It actually makes Omerica stronger via INTERNATIONAL redistribution of wealth… #Bush43 had a record $72 Billion in “trade deficit” in just one month

  5. The Euro elitists make no attempt to hide their contempt as one Euroweenie spews after it’s pointed out that without the LATEST INFUSION of tax dollars, AeroBus would cease to exist, “We don’t care what small minded people think.”

    And these are ostensively our allies??? Are you fucking kidding? Can you imagine the economic crisis if Boeing were to go under? Talk about the lost good paying jobs plus the national security nightmare and ask yourself why isn’t the corspe of Obama/Jarrett rotting on the end of a rope?

    And Hillary not only will amp this treason up, but she’ll demographically destroy any chance whatsoever for us to turn it around without violence.

  6. No! Liberals look at things differently. Our trade partners are not ripping us off, they are just not as great as us. Their countries are 3rd worldish, we dominate them. When they benefit disproportionately, we’re simply leveling the playing field to their advantage.

    So it’s okay. We shouldn’t have the right to bully anyone we want to in the world.

  7. This is the only real issue i differ from Trump on. We should have real free trade, not the managed trade agreements that are written in secret to give favors to big company lobbyists.
    A vote for protectionism isn’t just a vote for manufacturing jobs. It’s also a vote so butthurt consumers. They’re Americans, too. And they shouldn’t get screwed over to help someone else.

  8. I disagree with Trump about allowing corporations to repatriate foreign earnings w/a small tax. If they want to build factories here so they can sell into the US, let them pat dearly for their past treason. Apple, for example, has profited hugely by having their crap manufactured cheap and then selling them here. fuc them ever so hard.

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