EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims – IOTW Report

EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims


A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK.

The report makes a whopping 23 recommendations to Theresa May’s Government for changes to criminal law, the freedom of the press, crime reporting and equality law.

Note the astronomical number of victims of violent jihadists; e.g. Muslim-on-Muslim violence; violent persecution of Christians, other infidels and apostates; the Islamic charters to obliterate Israel, and the hatred against Jews routinely propagated in Islamic states, as well as in mosques in Western lands; the abuse of up to a million girls in Britain by Muslim rape gangs; etc. etc. It is peculiar, in light of all that and more, Islamophobia continues to be prioritized by the ECRI.  MORE

14 Comments on EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims

  1. If I were a UK journalist you’d read in my articles “the terrorists were Anglican” or “the terrorists were Catholic” or “the terrorists were Shinto” or “we are unable to identify the religion of the terrorists” and you’d be on your own to figure it out.

  2. I am reminded of the scene in the film naked gun where as the fireworks factory explodes behind him Leslie Nilsons character tells onlookers “Move along now,nothing to see hear”. Substitute Muslim hordes rampaging through a bloody burning Paris for the fireworks and a cowering confused group of defenseless Parisians for onlookers and the analogies are perfect. Well… except three wouldn’t be laughter just sobs and the sound of crying.
    Thanks G-dless cretins of liberalism. Nine circles of hell are not enough to contain the punishments you would deserve in a just universe. this universe we live in may not be just, but I believe the G-d who created it is!
    These feckless,self-castrating,estrogen craving,plural gender catamites who believe themselves better than the “normals” have sided with the mortal enemies of Civilization and as such deserve the treatment normally reserved for traitors and quislings!
    But the question is why would they do so? Well, many probably believe the leftists kool-aid they have swallowed,but, many I suspect have a more common excuse, Saudi Arabia owns large controlling interests in many of the world’s news corporations along with having endowed thousands of think tanks and public policy organizations. Do you think these groups can take the Devils money and not have him call the tune? The real shame,in my opinion,is the short sightedness of these losers,that they sell their souls is sad/bad enough,but they sell Western Civilization too like some sort of buy one get one free deal!
    In America,six (6) corporations control almost all print,TV,radio and movie production and the Muslim states are invested heavily in them also. Remember the film Sum of all Fears? Arab terrorists became right wing extremists so as not to suggest that some Muslims might want to nuke us,yah sure.

  3. If May’s government want to survive they better issue a more strongly worded statement then the one they did. They have to remind the EU that Britain is a democracy that voted to leave the EU and as such the government is under no obligation to heed any directives from the unelected officials at Brussels. Hell, if this made the British papers it probably convinced a bunch of the “stay” voters they were wrong, even the layabout Scots up north.

  4. The EU doesn’t want the British press to reveal when terrorists are Muslim? Fine. Convince Muslims to stop terrorizing the public with their indiscriminate killing in the name of their false god.

    Problem solved.

  5. Launch the direct missiles and take out Brussels for a start. Pointpoint and raze the European Union centers. The only coin these ‘tards deal in is fear and death. So give them what they want, death.

  6. The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.

    The days of the European Union are numbered.

    If the people of Europe are smart, they will hang every last unelected member of the EU bureaucracy they can get their hands on.

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