Bill Clinton ‘Bushwhacked’ AG On Airport Tarmac To Get Hillary Off The Hook – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton ‘Bushwhacked’ AG On Airport Tarmac To Get Hillary Off The Hook


The whole investigation and talk about charges was a sham. Hillary and Bill has everyone in their pocket and they were never going to bring charges against her, even if she deserved them.

Daily Mail:

Hillary Clinton was never in any danger of prosecution for mishandling classified documents on her infamous homebrew email server, according to a book set to rock the election season.

The fix was in, thanks to Bill Clinton’s plan to ambush Attorney General Loretta Lynch when their private jets were at the Phoenix airport at the same time.

The former president told his pilot to abort a takeoff, according to Ed Klein in his latest book, ‘Guilty as Sin,’ when a Secret Service agent told him Lynch was about to land. ‘Don’t take off!’ Bill shouted.


10 Comments on Bill Clinton ‘Bushwhacked’ AG On Airport Tarmac To Get Hillary Off The Hook

  1. Does it get any more deplorable than the Clinton’s? I’d like to put ALL of her supporters in one basket of misinformed, ignorant, sexist, racist, downright stupid, corrupt assholes.

  2. So! What use is all the evidence of wrong doing? Are we going to put th all on jail? Until congross (spelling intentional) grows some tested or gathers a mondicim of ethical behavior, and impeaches some of these criminals, they too are considered tainted.


  3. Bill will probably get “whacked” either way.
    If the bitch wins she will have him put down so as not to embarrass her (further).
    If she loses, her mantis anger will not be contained, and he will pay dearly for helping her lose.

  4. Maybe Bill will decide to get the jump on Hillary and pull the trigger first, in self-defense. i can only imagine his life without her lurking around like a Harry Potter dementor would be better.

  5. Just prior to BC’s run for his second term he suppressed the investigation into who shot down TWA800, pretty much for the same reason that what happened in Benghazi was suppressed, and blamed on a seldom viewed YouTube video. Rather than the planned terrorists attach it actually was.

    The investigation into what happened to TWA800 was a sham and so was the investigation into Hillary’s emails. Both done for political reasons to further the Clintons ambitions.

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