Video: “Killer Clowns” Causing Panic on College Campuses Across Country – IOTW Report

Video: “Killer Clowns” Causing Panic on College Campuses Across Country

College kids are concerned about possible killer clowns on campuses across the country. Students at the University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut, Penn State, and other schools are all concerned that clowns might attack them at any time. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. © 2016 by Mark Dice.

15 Comments on Video: “Killer Clowns” Causing Panic on College Campuses Across Country

  1. What with the state of college kids today, all you’d have to do is put on a red rubber nose, say “Boo” and they’d all be quivering masses of jelly.

  2. “Buy a gun. Learn to use it. Problem solved.”

    Was pondering this myself and considered the cold-blooded murder charge I would face since it wouldn’t be an immediate self defense.

    Then I remembered the old timer’s solution to trespassers he didn’t want to kill outright from the get-go.

    A shotgun loaded with rock salt. Live to learn never to do it again and scream in pain for a while.

    Then organize salt-the-clowns posses. Open season. No bag limit.

    Stop that crap immediately.

  3. “What with the state of college kids today, all you’d have to do is put on a red rubber nose, say “Boo” and they’d all be quivering masses of jelly. ”

    Red hat with MAGA on it does that already. No boo needed.

  4. This whole clown thing is sorta like the total opposite of safe spaces, isn’t it. We should all urge every evil clown to descend on every college campus and turn those snowflakes into quivering masses of comatose jelly.

  5. One of my friends streaked gloriously buck assed naked through one of the business neighborhoods in Spokane back in the early 70’s. But my favorite streaking incident came from a couple of pilots from my squadron streaking across the flight deck wearing nothing but their boots and their flight helmets back in 1974, we all cheered if for no other reason to relieve the tedium of being out at sea for an extended period of time. I don’t remember if they got in trouble for this or not.

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