VIDEO: French Police Officers Attacked, Set Afire by Muslim Mob – IOTW Report

VIDEO: French Police Officers Attacked, Set Afire by Muslim Mob

PamelaGeller: They’ve gone from burning cars to burning cops.

Hillary has vowed to increase these migrants coming into this country by 550%. She must be defeated. Trump is our only hope.

This gruesome attack took place at Grande Borne, site of tens of thousands of car burnings by Muslims over a decade ago and home to Amédy Coulibaly, the man who killed a policewoman and four people in a kosher supermarket siege during January’s Charlie Hebdo attacks.

The Express: A DOZEN masked thugs set four French police officers on fire yesterday after launching petrol bombs at their cars. The officers were in patrol on the Grande Borne – a notorious housing estate in Paris – at the time of the sickening incident.

Eyewitnesses said they were “attacked from all sides” by the cowardly mob, who have yet to be identified.


10 Comments on VIDEO: French Police Officers Attacked, Set Afire by Muslim Mob

  1. “She must be defeated. Trump is our only hope”

    the whole political establishment wants the same things she wants.
    it’s not just her.
    it’s all of them.
    they are out to ruin the country.
    Trump is the one with enough balls to call them out for it.
    that is why he is supported.
    no other man running had the balls to do the job against hilary.

    the republican establishment sucks!

  2. Cancers need to be cut out.
    Then the surrounding infectious cells killed
    Just because a group dreams of and plots world domination while wearing a religious hat, does not mean it is not moral and legal to kill them all.
    Screw them and anyone who does not run from their presence.

  3. All the putz fuckers that allowed the muslim invasion to happen are gonna want to seek refuge here in the U.S.A. Uh-Uh. They need to stay home and fix their problem.

    I have no doubt that our young men will be sent forth and wasted in this next european war.

  4. France has been neutered completely. They prefer sitting at al fresco cafes ogling ugly Muslim women in burqas, munching on their brie, and sipping their wines. The thought of anyone dare running up and killing them as they sit there is beyond the pale. So keep on sipping, snacking, and ogling until you are eliminated by these muslim hordes. No wonder its so easy for the muslims to take over and kill these Europeans. Pussified rabble, the lot of them! Killary and Barry want the same here. NO F’KING WAY!

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