Leaked Emails Reveal That Hillary Clinton Had To Be Told When To Smile During Speeches – IOTW Report

Leaked Emails Reveal That Hillary Clinton Had To Be Told When To Smile During Speeches

DC: Newly leaked emails reveal that Hillary Clinton had to be told when to smile while she was speaking.

The emails, hacked from the campaign chairman John Podesta’s Gmail account and published by WikiLeaks Tuesday, reveal that campaign staffers prompted Clinton to smile at certain times while she was preparing for the Democratic primary debates.

“[Smile] My goodness, I was having a lighthearted moment when I said that,” the talking point reads. “Look, my dad was a Republican.”

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19 Comments on Leaked Emails Reveal That Hillary Clinton Had To Be Told When To Smile During Speeches

  1. The world’s phoniest, faked, forced, unnatural, and non-genuine smile. She smiles and cackles when she is talking about Khadafy being brutally sodomized, dragged behind a truck, and murdered. This woman is stone cold evil.

  2. Hillary has been highly trained in manipulation techniques probably by ex-CIA personnel. She also most likely takes beta-blockers (anti-adrenaline pills) before her public appearances. (Entertainers use these a lot.)

  3. Every appearance by the Hillabot 4.0 shows more and more evidence of advanced Parkinson’s Disease. The frozen in place, the seizures, the loss of eye coordinating movements, the need to be fed prompts however they can be slipped to her Botness, the INABILITY to be a President, most of all. Looks like Soros and the Elitists/ Globalists need another shell (obobo) for the puppet meister to pull the strings (Valarie Jarhead). Yet the Hillary diehards would vote for her knowing she has passed. That is beyond lunacy, into sheer madness and derangement.

  4. Hmmm, having to be told when to smile in order to look natural is a trait of a sociopathic personality. But since she’s been known to hit Bill with kitchen implements when another one of his extra martial affairs becomes public or scream obscenities at her security details or just at regular peasants she’s probably just cat-lady crazy.

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