WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Discards Shootings That Do Not Further Gun Control Agenda – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Discards Shootings That Do Not Further Gun Control Agenda

BigGovernment: An email contained in WikiLeaks’ ongoing releases from John Podesta’s email account shows Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff discarding shootings that fail to further the gun control agenda.

Case in point is the shooting death of black teen Jordan Davis, who was killed by a white adult male.

In an email exchange dated January 14, 2016, Clinton campaign staffers are trying to figure out which shootings to highlight in a gun control essay intended to appeal to mothers. The essay, written by Marie Claire, was in draft form at the time emails were being exchanged, and Clinton had been asked to contribute to it. As a result, staffers were trying to decide whether to include Davis’ shooting death or discard it.

Campaign director of engagement, De’Ara Balenger, reviewed the draft, then emailed:

This is great. My edits are attached. The only flag here is that Jordan Davis was killed by a white man, so arguably – this crime was racially motivated, which takes this outside the discussion of gun violence. Was there another mother in the Chicago meeting where the shooting was NOT racially motivated? If yes, we should use that story instead of Jordan Davis.

Staffer Corey Ciorciari replied, “You know where I stand on this. It can be racially motivated and gun violence should still very much be part of the discussion. Even more so here given that Jordan’s mom is one of the leading gun violence prevention proponents in the country.”

In the end, the story of Jordan Davis being shot and killed did not make the final cut for Hillary Clinton’s contribution to the essay. Instead, Clinton wrote a plea to domestic abuse victims and moms in general, tossing in a mention of firearm-related child deaths, as well:  MORE

3 Comments on WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Discards Shootings That Do Not Further Gun Control Agenda

  1. I’m really becoming disheartened with the electoral collage projections. How could so many “Americans” hate this county enough to vote for this “woman”?

    It’s time to buy more ammo, as much as you can afford.

  2. she has no support other than the ruling establishment and the msm.
    she only wins with voter fraud.
    if so, katey bar the gates, all hell will break lose.
    the citizens have been awoken to the corruption coming from dc.

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