UCT Students Say Science is Racist, Discuss African Black Magic – IOTW Report

UCT Students Say Science is Racist, Discuss African Black Magic

That comet is way overdue…

Earth comet waiting

DailyCaller: A discussion on science devolved into the truly bizarre this week at the University of Cape Town (UCT).

The meeting of activists and faculty of UCT featured one student saying “Science as a whole is a product of Western modernity and the whole thing should be scratched off. Especially in Africa.”

The group of students, insisting that science is racist and must be “decolonised”, have created the hashtag #ScienceMustFall to describe their “fallist” movement. The student expanded on what “decolonizing” science means, saying, “Decolonising the science would mean doing away with it entirely and starting all over again to deal with how we respond to the environment and how we understand it.”

The student also brought up South African witchcraft as an argument against the Western dominance in science.

15 Comments on UCT Students Say Science is Racist, Discuss African Black Magic

  1. So I infer her real point to be,”I received an insufficient education that would have given me the ability to compete with better educated people,regardless of racial background or national origin,so we should scrap the whole system and return the good old days”. Yah,lets go back to four out of five children dead before five years old. A life expectancy of about forty years. Blood poisoning from a simple scratch! Let us not forget the joys of famine on average about every seven years. Oh yeah and the spectacle of plague sweeping the land.

  2. If science is racist, then the universe it describes is inherently racist. If that is the case, then the one who designed it must have intended it to be that way.

    So these people are actually saying that God is racist.

    Not that I believe that, but if I accept their argument as true, do they honestly expect me to say that God is wrong?

    I don’t think they really thought this through.

  3. She has the “cure” allright.
    Murder Albinos’for big juju
    and rape young girls to fix
    your dying of Aides problem.
    That’s how it’s to be done in
    South Africa. Next stop on her
    tour of horrors? Hows about some
    cannibalism tossed in?

  4. It took a little while because all the whites didn’t leave at once but SA is slowly going the way of Zimbabwe. I expect the harassment (the real stuff) to start soon against the whites and when enough of them leave it will be the Asians turn next (remember Idi Amin tossing all the Asians out of Uganada) in the barrel. The SA will become the Detroit of Africa.

  5. “Science as a whole is a product of Western modernity and the whole thing should be scratched off. Especially in Africa.”

    Sounds like the best solution to “The African Challenge” I’ve ever heard.

  6. Can’t understand what they’re whining about.
    There are very few negro, chink, or mexican “scientists” anyway.

    So, they’re free to pursue their particular racist occult and leave the “science” to the honkies. I’m pretty certain that the contemplation of Quantum Chromo-Dynamics and General Relativity doesn’t keep them awake nights … or really hard shit … like “does air exist?”

    They can return to their mud huts and foolish superstitions (like Globaloney Warming) and the scientific world won’t miss them, a bit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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