Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef – IOTW Report

Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef



A former travel chef in the Clinton White House claims that he personally witnessed Hillary Clinton angrily call a black servant the ‘n-word’.

If accusations of Trump’s sexism are worthy of blanket press attention, are accusations of Hillary’s racism equally worthy?

Will the media dare touch this story?


h/t TrickyDick

14 Comments on Hillary Called Black Servant the ‘N-Word’ Claims Former Clinton Chef

  1. At this point, what does it matter??

    The powers that be have taught us that liberals and democrats alike are above the law.
    The liberals have proven themselves to be completely untrustworthy….i.e. ANYTHING about them that is negative can readily be believable.

  2. The head of the Clinton Crime Family is an Equal-Opportunity ASSHOLE. I’ll put Hitlery’s words in quotes……

    She hates blacks (“niggers”), she hates Jews (“kike”, “Jew bastard”), she hates Downs Syndrome people (“fucking retards”), she hates law enforcement officers (“fuck you!”), she hates our military (“fuck you!”), she hates male gays “cocksucker!”)

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