DSCC Pulls Remaining Ads for Patrick Murphy in Florida – IOTW Report

DSCC Pulls Remaining Ads for Patrick Murphy in Florida

WFB: The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee will no longer be helping Rep. Patrick Murphy (D.) with television ads in his bid to unseat incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio (R.) in Florida’s Senate race, according to the Miami Herald.

The DSCC is pulling its ads in the Sunshine State in what some observers view as a sign of Democrats conceding the race to Republicans. The DSCC had reserved $10 million in ad time this spring to support Murphy but pulled its last remaining $2 million worth of ad time just this week.

Earlier this month, the Senate Majority PAC, a Super PAC associated with outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.), also pulled millions of dollars from its planned ad support for Murphy.

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