Who loves Soros? The Clinton Campaign, that’s who. – IOTW Report

Who loves Soros? The Clinton Campaign, that’s who.

AL: Who runs the US? Apparently George Soros.

The liberal billionaire funder, who has been tied to a globalist elite pushing the Muslim migrant crisis and multiculturalism onto Western societies, comes up a lot in private discussions between top Hillary Clinton campaign officials.

A search by American Lookout showed Soros has been mentioned at least 56 times throughout the 11 batches of emails put out by Wikileaks which show collusion between elites, the mainstream media and the Hillary campaign. MORE

7 Comments on Who loves Soros? The Clinton Campaign, that’s who.

  1. I wish Trump, during tonight’s debate, would simply ask the harlot how much it would cost to buy her off so that she would do what the American people want.

    “Sir Edmund Hillary, how much money would it take for you to work for us instead of Soros and the Saudis? How much have you raked in? If you win this election because the press works for you, how big of a check do I need to right for you to represent us instead of them? Can I get a deal on the whole package or do I need to pay you a few million on each issue? Seriously, how much do you need to put our interests first over China’s and bring our manufacturing jobs back. How much do you want to control immigration so an American roofer can support his family again. Name your price.

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