DNC Chair Tells Truth About Obama’s Economy – In Private – IOTW Report

DNC Chair Tells Truth About Obama’s Economy – In Private

DML: Like Hillary Clinton, the acting Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile has both a private and a public position on Obama’s economy.

Publicly, she sent out a Twitter comment in January 2016 that said, “Under President Obama, the economy has experienced a record 70 straight months of private-sector job growth. Over 14 million jobs!”

Just one month later, she sent a private email to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chair John Podesta with a completely different (and honest) assessment of the situation:

“I think people are more in despair about how things are — yes new jobs but they are low wage jobs,” she admitted.  “HOUSING is a huge issue. Most people pay half of what they make to rent.”  MORE

6 Comments on DNC Chair Tells Truth About Obama’s Economy – In Private

  1. What the Chicago machine community organizers don’t get is that their mafia politics only can exist in the context of a mostly law-abiding country. Once the progressives achieve a national level, one party rule the whole country will fall apart since every liberal bureaucrat will think they can do anything they want, (among many other things). The petty thief would never dream of a day when most people are petty thieves since it would put him out of business. Without the context of a constitution, everyone including the progressives will be eaten by the chaos.

  2. “I think people are more in despair about how things are — yes new jobs but they are low wage jobs,” she admitted. “HOUSING is a huge issue. Most people pay half of what they make to rent.”

    In other words, the Obama plan is working!

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