Hillary Clinton and the Battered Black Voter Syndrome – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton and the Battered Black Voter Syndrome

BCN: What will it take for Democrats to lose the 95 percent black vote?

Hacked email to and from staffers at the Democratic National Committee and to and from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, shows she cares far more about the black vote than black voters.

Concern for lack of diversity: One email, three months before she announced her presidential candidacy, shows Clinton’s future campaign staff mocking the criticism that it lacks racial diversity. Her then-spokesperson and future traveling press secretary Nick Merrill dismissively joked that former Bill Clinton chief of staff and future Hillary Clinton campaign director Robby Mook “claims he’s 1/16th Apache, so we should be all set.”

Earlier this year, “Frank” (identified by WikiLeaks as fwj77@comcast.net, and reported by RT.com to be Frank White Jr., who raised $2.3 million for Barack Obama in 2012) wrote to Podesta about courting black votes: “I’m hearing the same complaint in political circles that I continue to hear while fundraising. ‘The campaign doesn’t value black folks and takes us for granted.’ Can I make a suggestion? A black campaign vice chair or senior advisor would go a long way during the primary and send the message that Hillary puts her actions where her mouth is, and actually does appreciate the black vote.” Podesta replied: “Right now I think we should do this right after Super Tuesday.”


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6 Comments on Hillary Clinton and the Battered Black Voter Syndrome

  1. Yes, that shows commitment! Hire a black Democrat hack to fulfill a vice chair or advisory role that means nothing to anybody except the hired person?

    I’m sure the millions of out of work blacks in the crumbling inner cities of our nation will appreciate that in return for their vote!

    Four years from now, remember when we hired 1 guy to fulfill a temp position making chump change? Now its time for you to remember our pledge to you and vote Democrat!

  2. The problem is that the majority of black voters won’t even have read about, much less heard about these emails that show the contempt the Dems have for the black community. The MSM won’t cover it and you can be damn sure the CBC or any black mayors will ignore it as well along with any black political commentators who are pretty well all in the bag for the Dems. It would up to the pastors and preachers, the faith leaders to realize what’s happening and talk to their congregations about it. Hell, maybe they will and the black community will give Trump their votes if only to try something new.

  3. I see a connection with Donna Brazile and the DNC. Another token used as Gramma’s punching bag when she figuratively gets off her meds and falls flat on her face in front of the nation, as in the CinC event. Hills and Bills like their tokens, as Bills said BO would be serving them coffee not long ago. How can the good people of this nation regardless of race support this bitch? Brainwashing? That is a LOT of scrubbing.

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