Evan Bayh (D) Had Lunch With Bank Lobbyists Day of ’08 Bailout Vote – IOTW Report

Evan Bayh (D) Had Lunch With Bank Lobbyists Day of ’08 Bailout Vote

WFB-  Indiana Democrat Evan Bayh, a former member of the Senate Banking Committee, had a series of private meetings with financial service industry executives and lobbyists just as the big banks were seeking a bailout in 2008.

On Oct. 1, 2008, the same day the Senate voted to approve the $700 billion Wall Street bailout, Bayh had on his schedule an event called “Lunch with Supporters” that included lobbyists for the financial services industry, Politico reported.

During his tenure in the Senate, Bayh raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the financial services industry and Wall Street firms while supporting many of the legislative measures they pushed, including the bailout bill. The investment firm Goldman Sachs and its employees were Bayh’s top donors during his Senate career, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a campaign finance watchdog group. CNO Financial Group and Morgan Stanley also ranked in the top five of Bayh’s career donors, according to CRP.

The former senator, now running in 2016 to retake his old seat, had other meetings with financial industry officials and lobbyists leading up to and following the bailout vote.  MORE

4 Comments on Evan Bayh (D) Had Lunch With Bank Lobbyists Day of ’08 Bailout Vote

  1. Doesn’t matter, Democrats in Indiana will hold their noses and vote. No one pays enough attention to really understand the issues. The commercials against Todd Young although not completely honest are “powerful” and plentiful. Typical anti-republican stuff wants to only let rich kids go to college, push grandma off the cliff by cutting social security -plus he eats babies.

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