Oh, please, no – IOTW Report

8 Comments on Oh, please, no

  1. Remember, Sheriff Joe promised to account for every red cent of the bailout and fixer upper money, to make sure it would alllll be used properly in the shovel ready process of rebuilding our aged infrastructure and creating jobs!

    Bwahahahahaha.. Sorry I can’t keep a straight face on this one either..

    Joe, may I suggest retirement?

  2. Oh yeah, that’s all we need is Jackass Joe strutting around like the arrogant assistant manager of a used car lot with the split personality of a drunken, Tourettes-addled Winnebago man and Karl Childers who overshot his targeted level of incompetency decades ago trying to run the country!
    Mmmmm Mmmmm them french fried pertaters are a big fuckin deal!
    Insert face-palm here…

  3. @ wz_tspc. Michael Goodwin in today’s New York Post:
    “Maybe it was the web of sleaze revealed by Wikileaks or her brash talk of making nutty Joe Biden secretary of state.”
    Good point.

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