Study: Half of Obamacare Customers Skipping Doctor Visits to Cut Costs – IOTW Report

Study: Half of Obamacare Customers Skipping Doctor Visits to Cut Costs

Breitbart: Obamacare customers are skipping doctors’ visits to cut costs, according to a new study.

The study shows that 50 percent of people who buy healthcare plans through Obamacare marketplaces say they are trying to be more cost-conscious with their healthcare services by cutting back on doctors’ visits, CNBC reported.

In that same study, only 33 percent of people with any form of insurance reported cutting back on health care to manage costs.

The study also found that lower-income Obamacare customers with salaries of less than $25,000 per year are more likely to use urgent care facilities or “minute clinics” for health care compared with Obamacare customers with higher earnings.

The marketing research firm GfK, which conducted the study, found that 27 percent of lower-income Obamacare customers visited a walk-in clinic within the past year, compared with 12 percent of all Obamacare customers.

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5 Comments on Study: Half of Obamacare Customers Skipping Doctor Visits to Cut Costs

  1. Similarly, a car dealer told me if I bought his gas-guzzler I can lower my fuel costs . All I need do is walk to work.
    Luckily the Supreme Court didn’t yet decree that I must buy a vehicle from this asshat.

  2. Coughing up blood? That infection spreading up the arm? Can’t afford the $1500 co-pay? Don’t worry just wait a while and you won’t need a Doctor,an undertaker maybe,but not a Doctor.

  3. …50 percent of people who buy healthcare plans through Obamacare marketplaces say they are trying to be more cost-conscious with their healthcare services by cutting back on doctors’ visits…

    I despise Obamacare and hesitate to post this comment lest anyone think I’m defending it. But cutting down on doc visits because of the cost is actually just about the only aspect of the screwed-up system that resembles market decisions – and is not necessarily a bad thing.

  4. I never have paid the fine, and I have no healthcare.

    You’re more likely to read about me being a “domestic terrorist” someday after they try to come to collect and I waste every last one of them – armed or not.

    In defense of liberty, baby!

    Better if they try when I’m asleep. At least they might have a fighting chance.

    Fucking globalist bastards.

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