Hillary Clinton: ‘Fighting for Kids’ Has Been ‘The Cause of My Life’ – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton: ‘Fighting for Kids’ Has Been ‘The Cause of My Life’

Breitbart: Flanked by giants of the abortion industry as she spoke in Cedar Rapids, Iowa at a women’s rally, Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton emphasized that one of her primary areas of focus as president will be the welfare of children.

“I started my career all those years ago fighting for kids and families,” Clinton told the crowd. “That’s been the cause of my life. It will be the mission of my presidency. I will get up every single day in the White House saying, ‘What am I going to do to help every single person, and, especially, every child in this country have the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential?’”

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock, and NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue joined Clinton at the rally. The Democrat nominee said she was thrilled to be with her “friends” and referred to them as “fearless and tireless advocates for women.”


25 Comments on Hillary Clinton: ‘Fighting for Kids’ Has Been ‘The Cause of My Life’

  1. Hillary Clinton: ‘Fighting for Kids’ Has Been ‘The Cause of My Life’

    Again, Margaret Sanger would be proud of you.

    But Planned Murderhood is great because they do cancer screenings and mammagrams.

    Here’s a question for you, Hillary: How many murdered souls does it take to crash a presidential candidate?

  2. “..every child in this country have the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential?”


  3. “I started my career all those years ago fighting for kids and families,”

    You mean like the 12-year-old girl brutally raped, and whose rapist you got off by demeaning the victim and then laughed about it years later? Those kids and families, you hateful satanic bitch?

  4. Hillary standing before Jesus on judgment day.

    Hillary – I did care about children and fought for their rights.

    Jesus – But you didn’t. I sent down a soul who was going to grow up and be the person who cured cancer. Another was going to go down and invent Cold Fusion so the Earth would have all the clean, cheap energy it needed. But you allowed these children to be killed in the womb. You did not fight for their rights.

    Oh and did you bring your Summer clothing with you? It’s going to be way to hot where you’re going to wear the pants suits. Besides I hear Chairman Mao wants to talk to you about feminizing his style.

  5. Like her coven says, Gramma is out of control, with bad judgment, foul temper, prone to lash out before any self-control has a chance to rein in her putrid mouth. The fact that her supporters don’t care, and don’t care about the avoidance of a nuclear end-of-days speaks to their amoebic one-celled brain power. Sure those with a conscience and some bit of morals left will see this as an impossible choice to select Hillary.

  6. Every time I hear this mantra, see it in a commercial etc. I think what women and children has she helped??? Where the hell are they?! If she was such a proponent and saint for women and children over the last 30 years she could be parading them all over the place. Instead brainwashed libs repeat this but can’t point to one specific woman or child helped. Because it is pure BS.

  7. Her husband’s kid sure had a rough life, growing up in foster care while his father was playing hide the cigar in the White House. Who was fighting for Danney Williams?

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