Hillary Clinton Says She Was in New York City on 9/11 (She Wasn’t) – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton Says She Was in New York City on 9/11 (She Wasn’t)

Breitbart: Campaigning in Florida on Tuesday, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton claimed that she was in New York City on 9/11, when terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center. She made her claim while discussing terrorism and the threat posed by ISIS.

“I know what happened not far from here at Pulse night club in Orlando,” she said. “I was in New York City on 9/11 as one of the two senators. I will defeat ISIS. I will protect America.”

But Clinton wasn’t in New York on 9/11, according to Politico.

As a United States Senator she was in Washington D.C. at her home in Whitehaven when the first plane hit the World Trade Center. She spent most of the day reacting to the attacks in media interviews and joined her colleagues singing “God Bless America” on the Capitol Hill steps.  MORE

22 Comments on Hillary Clinton Says She Was in New York City on 9/11 (She Wasn’t)

  1. This woman is an insane liar. Everyone alive on 9/11 and old enough to know, remembers where they were and what they were doing and when they first heard about the Twin Towers being hit by muzzie scumbags. Go away Hillary. You bother me.

  2. Agreed. I know exactly where I was when JFK was assassinated.. I know exactly where I was when
    the planes hit the towers. If she says she was in NYC, and she wasn’t. then she that alone should
    put her out for the count. Away with ya, ya lyin bitch!

  3. According to Eleanor, on 9/11, Hillary was having lunch with Vice Foster at the Watergate Hotel restaurant and discussing how she would have preferred Chelsea looking like Vince, rather than Webb Hubbell. 👿

  4. “She spent most of the day reacting to the attacks in media interviews and joined her colleagues singing “God Bless America” on the Capitol Hill steps. ”

    Who helped her with the words?

  5. “She spent most of the day reacting to the attacks in media interviews and joined her colleagues singing “God Bless America” on the Capitol Hill steps. ”

    Who helped her with the steps?

  6. Pathological liars lie even when the lie is no more useful than the truth. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a US Senator having been in Washington DC on 9/11, yet she lies about it; she simply can’t help herself.

    You can’t even put it down to “misspeaking”, or “I don’t recall”. If she’s forgotten where she was on 9/11, she’s the only one in the country over the age of 20 who has.

    And yet our system is so corrupt and stacked for the Ruling Class that she might still become president. Even if Trump wins, VERY tough times are ahead. Be prepared.

  7. A point to be made is this: if she is so far gone she believes her own lies, she is non compos mentis. She is UNFIT to serve in any office, even dogcatcher if she could walk on her own. Otherwise, she is a felony criminal and liar, and should be locked away in prison for life plus 25 yrs.

  8. Just like at the last debate.
    The ‘Line in the sand’ line.
    When Trump pointed out she was SOS at the time.
    She-without hesitation blurted out-“No I wasn’t!”
    No thought about the obvious fact that she was.
    She just HAD to reflexively deny any responsibility, even steering herself into a stupid lie.
    This means she lies reflexively, and flippantly without thinking out cost/benefits of the lie.
    Like lying directly over the flag draped coffin of an American Hero.

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