Trump Campaign Launches $25 Million Ad Buy in Key States – IOTW Report

Trump Campaign Launches $25 Million Ad Buy in Key States

Breitbart: Donald Trump’s campaign is spending $25 million on a media buy ahead of the general election, which is in just seven days.

The Trump campaign is going on offense, targeting a few traditionally blue states as well as key battle ground states, including: Florida, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Maine, New Mexico, Ohio, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Nevada, Virginia, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

“The data clearly shows that Mr. Trump’s message is reaching voters and we are expanding the map,” Trump’s campaign Digital Director Brad Parscale stated in a press release, adding:  more

6 Comments on Trump Campaign Launches $25 Million Ad Buy in Key States

  1. Donald, save your money on Ohio. Pretty sure the Buckeye State will swing solidly red this cycle.

    NPR reported this morning that Republican requests for early ballots are up slightly from 2012, while Democrat requests are down by over 100,000 from 2012. This seems to indicate a lack of voter enthusiasm for The Queen Bitch.

    If this trend is repeated in all Ohio metropolitan areas, that gives the solid red rural vote MUCH more leverage.

    Advantage: Trump.

  2. Hit er with everything.


    There are thousands (if not millions) of morons who will vote the “Clinton” name regardless of her lies, corruption, and various treasons. These fools need to have a picture and voice-over that leaves them slobberingly confused at their own belief in her lies and the media’s deceits.

    We will see.

    izlamo delenda est …

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