Clintons are a ‘CRIME FAMILY’ as bad as the GAMBINO MOB, ex-FBI chief says – IOTW Report

Clintons are a ‘CRIME FAMILY’ as bad as the GAMBINO MOB, ex-FBI chief says

"God forbid we put someone like that in the White House."

ExpressUK: James Kallstrom hit out at the Democratic candidate and her husband during an interview for US radio, in which he compared the Clinton family to notorious criminal mob the Gambinos.

The ex-FBI official, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late 1990s, said: “The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically.

“It’s like organised crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.”

The former director, who is a Trump supporter, also criticised the handling of the FBI investigation into the presidential candidate’s emails, claiming it was impeded by Attorney General Loretta Lynch – a Clinton ally.

He said: “The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation.”

In comments that appear to support Trump’s claim’s that the investigation was “rigged”, Mr Kallstrom said: “That’s the problem. They never had a grand jury empanelled, and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled, I’m sure, is Loretta Lunch would not go along with that.”

He added: “God forbid we put someone like that in the White House.”  MORE

14 Comments on Clintons are a ‘CRIME FAMILY’ as bad as the GAMBINO MOB, ex-FBI chief says

  1. I know this is somewhat off-topic, but what is all the chatter about a “soft coup” against Hillary Clinton? Anyone know if this is BS or not?

    For more info, Google “Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton” (without the quotes).

  2. Thanks Gladys! That is definitely part of Barky’s kneejerk reaction to this. The other part is Barky knows digging deep enough will reveal more about Justice Scalia’s death by pillow over his head last February.

  3. Vietvet, I goggled the string you posted. Lot of hits.

    Isn’t it a tad odd that over 70 (mostly) obscure web sites would publish nearly the exact same headline over the last 12 to 24 hours? There will probably be over 100 by the end of the business day.

  4. @flip: I did think it was odd that there were so many references, but nothing on the MSM. Seems very strange. Or maybe not so strange, depending on whether or not you believe any of it.

  5. The Clinton Crime Syndicate has much more protection, fire power and money than the Gambino Crime Family ever dreamt of.

    All of the Clinton’s criminal henchmen and bagmen got immunity from the DOJ.

    And the syndicate is still reaping $10s of Millions of Dollars from foreign governments, corporations and billionaires.

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