Rutgers student fired from campus newspaper after writing ‘illegal alien’ in column – IOTW Report

Rutgers student fired from campus newspaper after writing ‘illegal alien’ in column

The College Fix:

‘My termination was a politically motivated move’

The Rutgers University student who hosted anti-feminist provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos for his first U.S. college event says the student newspaper fired him Monday because of his conservative views.

Aviv Khavich published his final column for The Daily Targum Sunday night, arguing that immigration enforcement is not “anti-immigrant.”

He spoke as an immigrant himself, born in Israel after his Ashkenazi Jewish parents fled Belarus in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse.

But the trigger for the firing may have been Khavich’s demand that his column include the phrase “illegal aliens” to describe those in the country illegally.

It was the final straw for the Daily’s editor, who said Khavich repeatedly fought over “stylistic” editing changes to his columns over the past several months.

‘Undocumented’ isn’t correct, either

Khavich has written six pieces for the Daily, four since joining as a columnist. His first defended Yiannopoulos’s speech as protected by the First Amendment, saying that “offensive speech … needs the most protection.”


10 Comments on Rutgers student fired from campus newspaper after writing ‘illegal alien’ in column

  1. It’s called semantic infiltration, a tactic that REgressives are masters at. It hasn’t been but a few years since illegal alien was used and now it’s considered hateful. Bullshit. Try getting a Regressive to utter the words, late term abortion instead of protecting women’s rights.

    Remember just last year when that asshole Tom Llans(or whatever) tried to shame Trump because he said anchor baby? Trump says what term should I use and and the moron rattles off some horseshit and Trump says, I’ll use anchor baby. That’s how you handle this crap, like a Boss.

  2. The proper response for politically correct BS is laughter. Every time. By everyone. The minute people start to treat it as a subject fit for discussion, it becomes legitimate. Laugh until they stop talking from embarrassment.

  3. I wish a dj at a local radio station near the university would play “Illegal Alien” by Genesis every 15 minutes. You’d have SJW jumping out windows. Hey, a man can wish, can’t he?

  4. Does anybody remember those TV animated public service announcements from the 60’s than announced “aliens are required to register every year at the nearest post office”

    It’s been down hill ever since.

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