Remembering Andrew Breitbart: ‘F**k You, John Podesta!’ – IOTW Report

Remembering Andrew Breitbart: ‘F**k You, John Podesta!’

Breitbart: In 2010, Andrew Breitbart recognized Clinton campaign chair John Podesta as one of the biggest, most corrupt figures in Washington, D.C. 

“F**k you, John Podesta,” he told journalist Dave Weigel, who then wrote for Slate. “What’s in your closet, John Podesta? Big Podesta? Big Soros? Do you want us to play these games? Because we’re playing to win.” 

Andrew Breitbart understood that the biggest threats to America were those who pulled the strings behind the scenes to gain enormous personal power, money, and influence.

Podesta is a creature of Washington, D.C., driving the leftist agenda for decades with his fingers in every pot, since serving in the Bill Clinton White House.

He served as the president’s chief of staff during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, working tirelessly to thwart investigations around the scandal-plagued administration. The tumultuous events reportedly spawned an alter-ego for Podesta that aides called “Skippy” — the nasty side of the normally mild-mannered operative. 

Podesta also co-founded a massive lobbying firm with his brother, Tony Podesta, but later went on to launch the liberal think tank Center for American Progress and its multi-armed political subsidiaries.


6 Comments on Remembering Andrew Breitbart: ‘F**k You, John Podesta!’

  1. Does evil show in the face?

    If you look at the faces of Podesta, James Carville and Rahm and Ezekiel Emmanuel, it seems the fraud and corruption that they propagate shines out from their lean and hungry looks.
    Sickening and repulsive!

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