Will you miss the Obamas? – IOTW Report

Will you miss the Obamas?

Patriot Retort: One of the Twitter peeps I follow is Sheik Yerbouti. Yesterday he retweeted something that on first blush looked like satire.

But it wasn’t.

Ron Fornier, a “journalist,” tweeted this out.


Stop laughing!

He means it.

If you’re like me, you probably thought this was satire.

Because it smells like satire.

It looks like satire.

But it’s not satire.

He’s totally serious.

He really believes we’re going to miss the Obamas when they’re gone.

63 Comments on Will you miss the Obamas?

  1. the fawning leftist sycophants live in a tight bubble where they truly believe that we feel like they do, and they are similarly delusional about their desired outcome tomorrow, which is that the election of the biggest criminal ever to run for potus becomes a reality

    their entire world is upside down and they want to turn it over for the rest of us

    i feel embarrassed to belong to the same race as these people

  2. Uh, I know there are a lot of experts on IOTW. Both real and self-styled. Anyhow, after viewing that lovely family picture, I need assistance. Do any of you know how to get vomit off my laptop keyboard and screen? (this sent from my desktop without viewing the picture again)

  3. Right, we will surely miss a half black woman posing as a feckless, sissified man and an angry 225 lb ex-linebacker black man posing as a huge butted woman and their two rent a kids!

  4. @MAJack – with Donald Trump as President? That should be fun –
    “…The Secretary-General is appointed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Security Council. The Secretary-General’s selection is therefore subject to the veto of any of the five permanent members of the Security Council.”
    When Trump reappoints Bolton as our representative he can just veto Obama’s nomination

  5. Look how long we had to listen to Jimmay Carter. It is going to be 40 years of purgatory since he hates America more than Jimmay did.

    Need a hate Israel quote? Call Obongo

    Dumb and dumber

  6. We’re not free yet. You can put money on it; the next Democrat in the White House will name that bastard to the Supreme Court and he will be approved by the Senate. After all, he’s a Constitutional Professor, don’t you know.

  7. I’ll be completely honest here, I strongly blame Obama for my parents divorce, the 2nd time Obama was elected, my father went off the deep end and refused to find work, he became a completely different person, convinced that the world had ended, my own hard working dad became a depressed bum, 24/7. While I still hold him responsible for his own actions, I can’t help but believe that if Obama hadn’t stolen that 2nd term, that my dad wouldn’t have self destructed. [Not to mention, Glenn BLECH and others had convinced him that it was truly over, thanks a lot, asshole talk radio.]

    I have a seriously personal grudge against this administration, I can’t wait for them to be out on the streets or in jail.

  8. If Hillary gets in we’ll miss the old jug eared, half white, Kenyan fool and his tribe. His mother in law, eh, not so much – but there had to be a female influence in the White Hut to teach the girls the facts of life and she was it. And the dogs? I’d bet within 6 months they’ll mysteriously disappear.

  9. I always turn the channel or mute or turn the page when any of their vile faces assault me. That will not change. They are all “persona non grata” and do not exist in my world because I am an American and a good man.

  10. The local Virginia and Maryland poultry farmers are going to miss voodoo Mother-In-Law’s business. Who will be buying that many chickens for Santeria rituals in the White House?

  11. I’ll miss the Obysmals like an eight year nightmare. Barry and Mooch will continue to be traitorous despots. They will never stop trying to destroy this country.

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