@Mr_Pinko says, “I Was Right” ;-) – IOTW Report

@Mr_Pinko says, “I Was Right” ;-)

Take a look at the article I wrote way back in 2015



Why Mr. Pinko is currently behind Mr. Trump vs. Ted Cruz – iotwReport article here

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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32 Comments on @Mr_Pinko says, “I Was Right” ;-)

  1. FUs all around.
    To liberals, the DNC, the Clintonistas, hapless Kenyan and his beard, the UN, all RINOs, illegal latino invaders, islamists, and the Media.
    a BIG FU to the Media who is doubling down on their stupid lies this morning again!

  2. when you’re right, you’re right.

    Thank you to all of us here on the Right who, abandoned in the wilderness for eight long years of corrupt hateful fascist Leftist hell, perservered and stayed faithful and hopeful and fought to return sanity and the rule of just law to our great nation. Thank You God for your help and guidance. Amen.

    Now let’s get to work!

  3. Your special flavor of humor has been greatly appreciated! Keep on rockin’ & rightin’! All of the iOTW team has done a fantastic job keeping the troops’ morale up and keeping us informed, thank you!

  4. Way to go, Mr. P !!!
    This should ensure you won’t get fired for awhile.
    (I know…they can’t fire you…you quit.)

    I’d like to tell James O’Keefe “Thanks”, too.
    He definitely has made a difference.

  5. Trump won, and I am thrilled with the result. And because he won I will eat my crow as prepared by a professional chef and served with a fine wine. When Trump declared, I predicted he would never last the entire primary season. When Trump demonstrated he could do well in the early primaries, I predicted he would not be the Republican nominee. During the early parts of the campaign, I did not think Trump was doing the right things to win. The only saving grace in my predictions is that when I noticed Trump pulling thousands for his rallies as opposed to Clinton’s dozens, I believed Trump could win because people do not turn out in droves to maintain the status quo.

    Kudos to Mr. Pinko for nailing not only a Trump nomination, but the reasons for a Trump victory. “Make America Great Again” was a winning campaign theme, but “Because Fuck You” was a close second.

  6. “Repubican whine that we need to win. You already won Congress and the Senate and you proved you did not deserve it.

    Trump 2016! Why? Fuck You! That’s why.”

    Classic. Should be on buttons, shirts, the walls of tall buildings…

  7. Mr. Pinko, my kudos to you. I have to admit that the day I saw Trump descend from Trump tower to say that he was running for the Presidency, I turned to my Mom and said, “That’s the next President of the USA”
    She laughed.
    I didn’t.

  8. @Tamminator — Yes and yes. I recognized early, early that the entire lexicon of politispeak had no way of describing ‘Americans’. That’s all the tea party was, anyway. It took both the Left and Conservative, Inc. to label us Americans as whacko’s, radicals, domestic terrorists and uneducated.

    Oh Happy Day!

  9. @Tamminator, Abigail. When Trump announced my liberal sis-in-law was visiting. I said he will be the next President. She actually shouted out NO! I just smiled.

    Ha. We get the last laugh.

  10. I too didn’t think Trump would last through the primaries. I mean, he’s done this before. My first choice was Cruz, but after he didn’t win, I wallowed in it for a few days, then got behind Trump. Let’s pray he keeps his promises. It actually felt good to get out of bed this morning. Now I want to uproot the Gary Johnson signs from my next-door neighbor’s lawn. *eye roll*

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