Do you know what day it is? – IOTW Report

Do you know what day it is?


via Prepare to Take America Back

h/t Dave.

28 Comments on Do you know what day it is?

  1. I just watched her speech and sweet Lord in Heaven forgive me, but I don’t believe I’ve ever swore like that in my life.

    I probably would have eaten my Sig in a few months if she had won.

  2. I thought we would get away today without listening to Obama putting in his two cents worth.
    WRONG. Obama is to make “Comments” about the election. Naturally.
    But that is what mute bottoms are for. No one is raining on this Trump-victory day!

  3. It is the day that God Almighty heard our prayers and granted the United States of America a second chance. Let’s not waste this gift.

    The work begins now because complacency is not an option.

  4. My blog stats suddenly exploded even though I’ve been offline for a while (busy with puppies). Why? Because for months at my blog every Wednesday was #TrumpDay and now search engines are sending people to my archives. I need to put up a post for THIS day, the greatest TrumpDay EVER! Will link here when I do cuz I love me some iOTW & that graphic is awesome.

    Happy TrumpDay, everyone, MAGA!

  5. It’s the day after staying up so long the night before my eyes still won’t focus. lol. I’m serious, I can barely read.
    And the day America got a Commander in Chief and lost a traitor.

    Thank you everybody for doing your part and voting. And thank the Lord for this victory!

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