Obama Congratulates Donald Trump, Invites to White House Meeting – IOTW Report

Obama Congratulates Donald Trump, Invites to White House Meeting

WASHINGTON (AP) — Conceding his party’s staggering electoral defeat, President Barack Obama on Wednesday invited President-elect Donald Trump to meet with him to discuss the handover of power from his administration to Trump’s.

The White House said Obama called the Republican in the early hours of the morning to congratulate him on his victory in the presidential campaign, which marked a forceful rebuke by voters to Obama’s eight years in office. The two leaders planned to meet Thursday at the White House, where Obama was to update Trump about ongoing planning for the transition.

Obama was to offer his first reaction to the election later Wednesday in a televised statement that the White House said would focus on “what steps we can take as a country to come together after this hard-fought election season.”

“Ensuring a smooth transition of power is one of the top priorities the president identified at the beginning of the year and a meeting with the president-elect is the next step,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement.

For Obama, the act of holding the meeting is a humbling blow to his legacy and to his hopes for leaving a lasting imprint on the nation’s policies. Trump has vowed to rip up much of what Obama accomplished, including his signature health care law, the Iran nuclear deal and a painstakingly negotiated trade deal with Asia.  MORE

30 Comments on Obama Congratulates Donald Trump, Invites to White House Meeting

  1. “Ensuring a smooth transition of power”
    Code words for trying to intimidate Trump into preserving the Obama ‘legacy’.
    Ain’t gonna happen, Barry. You want a smooth transition? get you and your family’s asses out the door without giving anyone any trouble.

  2. If you think the Clinton exit in 2000 was an example of low-class churlishness, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet with our Filthy-Mohammedan-Savage-In-Chief.

    Just for starters, he’ll issue an executive order to all US Gummint employees to pry the “T” off their keyboards.

  3. Heheh. The world’s worst negotiator sitting down with the master negotiator. That should be pretty funny.

    And what happened to the AQ attacks that were threatened on Monday? Maybe President-Elect Trump can ask Barky.

  4. Barky, just make sure you off-load Chewbaca and her deadbeat mother. The Trumps will thoroughly clean house, and that ‘garden’, when you’re gone.

  5. Turn the garden into monument area for the police and military that have been killed in our military on their watch. Then do a really thorough sweep for bugs in the White House of both kinds.


  7. I have no doubt that a “Ensuring a smooth transition of power” will soon be keeping company with that doctor you can keep if you like him.

    Also I imagine Bleach Bit and paper shredders are enjoying full employment in Washington DC and Chapaqua today.

  8. Oh yeah. The sun came up this morning.
    And in 72 days, finally, the sun will set on Obama and his administration.
    Though I expect they will afterward continue to hang around and be a pain the neck or other anatomy.

    Speaking of that. This was in the local birdcage liner last weekend:

    “Milena Nikolova, of Bulgaria, and Cristina Tanase, of Romania, are spending a couple of weeks in West Virginia learning about community organizing through a program of the U.S. State Department…..

    The name of the program itself is a mouthful: The WSOS/Great Lakes Consortium for International Training and Development in Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and the U.S.A. ..”

    http://www.wvgazettemail.com/life/20161106/european-fellows-explore-community-programs-in-west-virginia .

    I suspected this was an unknown about program created by Obama & Hillary to promote pain in the neck troublemakers around the world. But no – it’s been around since 1999. Maybe an innocent program, but I’m always suspicious of anything with Save the Children and Interfaith Council of Churches in the description.

  9. Quite seriously, no joking, I hope Trump has the entire WH (and Senate and Congressional areas while they’re at it) exorcised and blessed – prayers, blessed salt and holy water – the whole exorcism of buildings.

    Also, if President Trump eats at the WH, I hope he has a food taster, or brings his own McDonald’s (and make Barky drool).

  10. “Thanks for calling, Barry. That was a manly thing to do and a big step forward for such a weak, sniveling, little bitch. Don’t you have some d*cks to suck or something?”

  11. Anonymous – good point.

    I noticed that some news outlets said that our Filthy-Mohammedan-Savage-In-Chief called President-Elect Trump during his victory speech. President-Elect Trump called the FMSIC after he finished up his speech.

    FMSIC is a cold, calculating sonofabitch. (His mother was a Leftist skank too). He never does anything without gaming several scenarios via his Eminence Gris, Iranian spy Valerie Jarrett (another Filthy Mohammedan Savage). FMSIC figured by calling during President-Elect Trump’s speech, if President-Elect Trump interrupted his speech and took the call, then it gave FMSIC the upper hand. If President-Elect Trump didn’t interrupt his speech, he’d still have to seek out FMSIC and FMSIC would still have the upper hand.

    The thing is, President-Elect Trump has been in a hell of a lot more tough negotiations and meetings than FMSIC will ever have in the rest of his putrid life. President-Elect Trump instantly identifies this kind of JUNIOR VARSITY bullshit and shrugs it off for the infantile posturing that it is. FMSIC’s shallow mind is exactly why America has been consistently fucked over and disrespected and laughed at by our enemies and our allies for the past 8 years.

  12. Truckbuddy – you have a point there. I reckon on the morning of January 20th there will be five empty tractor-trailers lined up in the White House driveway, ready for all the stolen furniture, paintings, sculptures, office equipment and boxes of NSA Natl Security Adviser intelligence briefings to be stuffed to the gills inside and carted off to be sold to the highest bidder at a shitty flea market in a crack dealer Chicago neighborhood.

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