Americans Vote To Preserve Heller, Second Amendment – IOTW Report

Americans Vote To Preserve Heller, Second Amendment

Breitbart: The race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shined a spotlight on the Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia v Heller (2008) in particular and the Second Amendment in general.

Time and again Clinton openly admitted her disagreement with Heller–and her plan to use SCOTUS to tweak or reverse it–while simultaneously pushing enough gun control to abolish the Second Amendment. Trump took the opposite position: vowing to defend Heller with SCOTUS justices “in the mold of Justice Scalia” and to maintain the Second Amendment “in its strongest form.”

Clinton promised universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and numerous other gun controls. Trump promised to save the Second Amendment from “people like Hillary Clinton.” And he voiced direct opposition to expanding background checks or instituting “assault weapon” or “high capacity” magazine bans.

Clinton raged against “weapons of war” after a gunman opened fire on innocents in the Orlando Pulse nightclub. Trump’s consistent message was that Americans ought to be able to own the “firearm of their choice” and that gun-free zones pose a threat by disarming citizens.

Throughout the race for the White House, Clinton made clear that she did not agree with the Heller ruling–a ruling which reaffirmed that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right. And during a June 5, 2016, appearance on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, she twice refused to admit that an individual right to keep and bear arms was even constitutional. After being pressed by Stephanopoulos, she would only say that “if” such a right existed, it was not outside the purview of government regulation.  MORE

14 Comments on Americans Vote To Preserve Heller, Second Amendment

  1. Will the newly passed California proposition 63 someday get overturned as unconstitutional? Background check to purchase ammunition? Really?

    Should Muslims be required to undergo a background check to purchase a Koran?

  2. Living in the gun grabber state of Connecticut, the Supreme Court appointments coming up were my greatest concern. The leftest ruling class like their peasants unarmed.
    Thank you Lord for delivering us from the Hilda Beast.

  3. This one issue kept me awake at night for a long time. The Bill of Rights has been saved. There was so much at stake.

    California passed some major gun control laws last night. BBrad would know the particulars, or maybe Left Coast Dan (he’ll, I’m leaving out several felllow Californians). I believe the new laws are very bad. Should be interesting watching legal challenges.

  4. I want a Supreme Court that will strike down all of the unconstitutional anti-gun laws in California, and New York, and everywhere in between.

    As it stands in Crapifornia, you’ll want a decent progressive reloading press – and probably a car with really good gas mileage for those trips to Arizona so you can visit America, and actually buy things.

  5. There’s an easy way to get all of our gun rights back in every state. If any state is denying a persons constitutional rights, cut off all federal funding. You’ll have your gun rights back tomorrow.

  6. I would sure like to have these anti-gun politicians define “assault weapon.” I personally consider an assault weapon to be anything used to harm me — from a cannon to a sling shot to a stick or a switch off my Dad’s willow tree. Also, how many of these anti-gunners know what the AR in AR-xx rifle stand for? No, it isn’t “assault rifle.”
    SO GLAD Trump won!!!

  7. California’s Prop 63 will last just long enough to be overturned with the new pro 2A Trump SCOTUS.

    As libtards are always so quick to point out: “elections have consequences”.

  8. venturaguy/TSUNAMI ; prop 63 will be around long enough to do a lot of harm. It’s got a long way to go to get to the supreme court. I can’t believe it passed so easy. Idiots are so quick to give up their right to self defense. Especially after san berdoo slaughter. It’s insane!
    And with rabid anti-gunner kamala harris now in senate with rabid boxer expect constant anti-gun bill proposals.

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