Child Abuse! Mom Films Herself Kicking Son Out of House For Voting Trump in School Election – IOTW Report

Child Abuse! Mom Films Herself Kicking Son Out of House For Voting Trump in School Election

A black woman videotaped herself abusing her 8-year-old son and then kicks him out of the house because he voted for Donald Trump in the school’s mock election. The woman then posted the video on her Facebook page, which has since been deleted. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

32 Comments on Child Abuse! Mom Films Herself Kicking Son Out of House For Voting Trump in School Election

  1. The term “WHORE ASS BITCH” first comes to mind. 👿

    Wouldn’t it be cool if The Donald sees this and reaches out to the child?

    That “mother” needs to be in jail.

  2. It’s important to catch the children at an early age and educate them as to which side their bread is buttered. Do not stray from the plantation, children. Government assistance is your life blood. Vote Democrat, and your EBT will never run out.

  3. Keep strong little boy. When you are old enough, get out of that house. You can do it. Get a job when you are of age and vote for whomever you wish. Support yourself and be happy. I did it, you can too.

  4. The boy has attempted to throw off his chains. He will learn to keep his own counsel. He will also learn that some cling to their chains, that they are scared of Freedom and will trade their Liberty for bread (or ObolaPhones).

    In the end, he will learn that Truth is worth the sacrifice (I hope).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Lazlo’s bastard of a step-father used to pull this kind of shit on a young Lazlo. This kind of emotional abuse crap incites my wrath.
    Being kicked out, that will leave a mark. What is he, 10?
    Had I seen that in person that bitch would be a gibbering mass of cane welts.
    Stupid Bint will probably cry crocodile tears when that young man walks onto the stage of his life, succeeds admirably, and wipes his feet as he leaves her house forever.

  6. Have the IRS do audits on her for the next four years.
    Have child services do home visits for the next four years.
    Put her picture on the national child abuse network.
    Make her do community time.
    Make her take parenting classes.

  7. If this woman, and I am sure there are many like her, would do this to her own child for voting for Trump in a MOCK election, imagine what she do to an actual real life Trump voter. Chilling.

  8. She is emotionally abusing her child. She is showing him her love is conditional, and that he has no security or stability with her. When my youngest was 13, she was very excited about the idea of America finally having a black president. I had calmly and rationally explained to her that if she liked him just because of his skin colour, without knowing a thing about any of his proposed policies, she was thinking racially, not rationally. Well, it made no difference to her, and she ran right out and bought an Obama T-shirt. However, due to the discussion I had with her, she actually started to pay attention to politics, and when he was running for his second term, she said “I don’t know why anybody would vote for him,” and the Obama shirt went into the trash. I neither berated not threatened her. I presented my argument in a logical and loving way. It’s called “parenting”, and the woman who shot that footage should give it a try sometime.

  9. VV,

    Understood, no hard feelings. The Devil is behind much we see but fallen human nature is more than capable of things such as this. Therein lies the true condemnation; there will be very little room for “The Devil made me do it” before the great white throne of God.

  10. Old Joke, seems pertinent.
    The little black boy went into the kitchen, his mother was
    making fried chicken. He put his hand in the flour and patted it
    one his face. He said, “Look mom I’m a white boy.” She slapped
    him in the face and told him to go tell his father what he did.

    He said, “Look dad I’m a white boy.” His father slapped him told
    him to go tell his grandmother what he has done.

    Now his grandmother slapped him and told him to go see his
    mother. He went back into the kitchen and his mother asked if he
    had learned anything from this. He said yes I’ve only been white
    for 5 min and I already hate niggers.

  11. I am far less tolerant of this kind of whore. Personal vendetta says fix this bitch where she would be accepted in the Arab muslim world with genital mutilation, then put her there to stay. IF SHE TRIED to return, shoot her dead where she stands. That or let word leak there in Saudi Arabia a decrepit black woman said that Mohammed sucked donkey dicks and hates Arabs worse than Americans, has AIDS, straps on her backside a filthy mattress, and gives curb service to Arab men for free. Problem solved.

  12. I could only watch a few seconds of the video. I could never be vicious to a child like that. So here’s to the good side of social media.

    Via Justice For Children Without Voices on fb;

    “JFCWOV- We have spoken to Detective Luerra with Arcola Police Department and confirmed that the children seen in the video are safe and a case now has been opened. Arcola Police Department is diligently working with CPS and the District Attorney’s Office.

    We want to send a HUGE thank you to Deputy Fisherhill and Detective Luerra for the fast response in making sure these children are safe. And a huge thank you to all of our members who gave this child a voice and helped us get the info to the correct investigating department. We look forward to working with this department, and with all of you, in the future as we advocate for our children and ensure them a voice! Thank you!”

  13. This video actually makes me nauseous. So much for free thinking, that poor little boy was scared to death and his mother continued to torture him anyway. I hope she is punished to the fullest extent of the law for child abuse. She deserves nothing better than a jail cell, and actually my first thought was an execution team.

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