The Pendulum Swings Leftward for the Democrats – And That’s Good News for Donald Trump – IOTW Report

The Pendulum Swings Leftward for the Democrats – And That’s Good News for Donald Trump


1. The Parties and the Pendulum

For the Democrats, the news is bad—and it’s about to get worse.  Why?  Because the ideological pendulum is swinging the Democrats to a far-left place, and a political party doesn’t win from the wings.

To be sure, no ideological swing is permanent, but for the next four years, it seems likely that the Democrats will push themselves leftward, to un-electability at the presidential level.

I’ll get to this pendulum-swinging in a moment, but first, let’s establish the current partisan baseline: In addition to Donald Trump winning the White House, the House Republicans will have 238 seats in the next Congress, and Senate Republicans will have 51.  Meanwhile, out in the states, the GOP will control 33 governorships and 67 legislative chambers.

To further illustrate the hole that the Democrats find themselves in, here’s a chart from The Washington Post, which shows that in the last eight years, Democrats have lost 10.2 percent of their Senate seats, 19.3 percent of their House seats, 20.3 percent of their legislatures, and 35.7 percent of their governorships.  We can add: These are the lowest Democratic numbers since 1928.

In the caustic words of Post reporter Philip Bump, “That whistling sound you hear is the party Thelma-and-Louise-ing.”  Movie fans will recognize that as a reference to the ending scene in the 1991 movie Thelma and Louise, in which the title characters drive off a cliff, plunging to their death.

So what happened?  It seemed like only yesterday that the MSM, and the chattering classes overall, were certain that Hillary Clinton was destined for a decisive victory, possibly even a landslide.  Yet now, not so much.  read more

9 Comments on The Pendulum Swings Leftward for the Democrats – And That’s Good News for Donald Trump

  1. I have heard a few snippets of Trump’s 60 Minutes interview.
    The press is going to try very hard to trip him up.
    So far they have brought up misinformation about conservatives and they expect Trump to comment on it.

    He better not trust those jackals now that he has won.
    The want your scalp Donald!
    Be aware 24/7!

  2. Too bad for the left HRC never really did too much to expose who Bernie is. He wasn’t a strong candidate, he is a raving lunatic with a deeply disturbing history that was never going to appeal to the masses. But get the popcorn and enjoy the ride.. I know I will.

  3. I hate the left, they’ve been carrying on their caterwauling since 1968 when I was 15. Give it up progtards we’re sick of your shit and could care less what you think anymore. This is why you lost, the good American people have spoken and we’re not taking it anymore. We won, you lost now get over it and act like decent civilized people if you can and not a bunch of spoiled petulant children. And no you don’t deserve a participation trophy for rioting, what you need is a swift kick in the ass for being fools as well as tools of George Soros etc.

  4. Ellison as DNC chair will make sure those disenfranchised Democrats who broke away to vote Trump will stay away and never come back.

    Couldn’t be better.
    The further Left they go, the more they shrink, drive off Independents and completely marginalize themselves.


  5. This is a true to life Frankennstein story, except that Trump is not the monster. Their own base is.

    Stay where they are and they enrage the base and continue to lose exactly as they just lost with Clinton.

    Move toward the center and be seen as aping Trump, which admits they were wrong. Can’t do that.

    Either tactic turns their own carefully cultivated rage base against them.

    This is what happens when you ride the tiger of spending decades fueling young people’s worldview on selective outrage…your supporters internalize it and won’t stay in line unless you keep delivering that delicious rage YOU told them to feel. So they have no choice but go hard Left. They have NO choice.

  6. That means the best possible thing they can hope for is an utter conservative failure that can be laid upon Trump. So they’re going to do everything they can to make that happen, or seem to be happening. Said it before but what we saw when Bush was in office is nothing compared to what’s coming. Be ready for it.

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