Stress Expert: Media to Blame for Left’s Post-Trump Freakout – IOTW Report

Stress Expert: Media to Blame for Left’s Post-Trump Freakout

BigJournalism: Dr. Pete Sulack, stress expert and founder of, told Breitbart News on Friday that the media bears some of the blame for the deep distress felt by some Hillary Clinton supporters, and the public unrest, after Tuesday’s election results.

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“The media is partly to blame for actively fueling fears of some kind of Nazi regime under a Trump presidency,” Sulack said, via e-mail. “In part this is because problems and pain sell advertising space. Mass communications has always struggled with that balance between fair reporting, personal bias, and pressure from executives to keep things ‘hot.’”

He noted that people were responding negatively to anti-Trump images on television and social media.


“When we read, we can rationally discuss the issues or definitions of terms at hand. When we see pictures, however, a different part of our brain is engaged.

“That part is the limbic brain, a part also activated in stressful situations, because it is key to survival. This is the most primitive and unevolved part of us. It acts on emotion, is irrational, childish, and afraid. It can be rude and boorish, and sometimes even cruel,” he said.  read more here

10 Comments on Stress Expert: Media to Blame for Left’s Post-Trump Freakout

  1. The fear on my Facebook page…
    Trump will become dictator
    Trump will put gays in internment camps
    Blacks will be targeted

    The opposite of the truth. But you can’t tell them that. And they are teaching it to their children, who can’t sleep now because of the fears their parents have instilled in them.

  2. Some media talking head needs to just say “grow up, people. Get a life.” No is going to throw liberals and gays in jail, although some of the immigrants libs want to bring into this country want to do that and more. You spent 8 years calling most of America racists and homophobes – we are used to this and you can keep it up for all we care. Your guys also spent 8 years fucking up healthcare and foreign policy – let’s see if Trump can fix this. You championed an economic policy that at best resulted in stagnation, and if you hadn’t fudged the numbers would show that unemployment is worse than you claim. Your immigration policy was to ignore the laws of the land, and this is never healthy for any nation.

    What the United States avoided was the election of a corrupt candidate who was in the pocket of the very people you claim to despise. Hillary doesn’t want to help blacks or hispanics – she wanted to keep them subservient to the Federal government as a reliable Democrat voting block. Maybe Trump bragged that women would let him grab them by the pussy, but Hillary Clinton was married to and covered up for a man who did just that whether or not the woman wanted this or not – all for political gain. Wall Street, third world dictators and Muslim nations made the Clintons wealthy; you didn’t and guess where the Clintons’ loyalties lie.

    So relax. Donald Trump isn’t really a conservative, and never claimed to be. He has already said that gay marriage has been decided by the Supreme Court, and being the man he is Trump will abide by the laws of the land. He wants to build infrastructure, which sounds like something your hero FDR would do. He wants a strong military to keep the nation safe – do you really believe North Korea, Iran, ISIS, and a bunch of crazy tin pot dictators and terrorist groups are going away? There are aspects of ObamaCare that he agrees with like coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, and he has acknowledged that he would like to keep these although he didn’t lie and admitted that the cost will be higher. Trump likes law and order, and while the BLM movement may not be happy, at least inner city businesses may not burn down as often.

    Maybe before you get all flummoxed and debilitated by the vapors, you should look at Donald Trump somewhat more objectively and see if you will really be harmed. But, being the pampered, short sighted, illogical and myopic liberals that you are, I think that you actually like feeling oppressed, so in that case – enjoy.

  3. I’m thoroughly enjoying all the second-guessing going on amongst the Despicable Left.

    Reminds me of a disemboweled hyena, snapping at its own entrails dragging along the ground. Num….num….num….num….

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