A black Air Force veteran is fed up at anti-Trump rioters who disrespect America’s flag, refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance, reject their duly-elected president and wreak havoc in U.S. cities, smashing windows, blocking freeways and igniting fires.
In fact, Thaddeus Dionne Alexander is so outraged by the rioters that he posted a video on YouTube and Facebook – and his message is going viral with 20 million views and nearly a million shares on Facebook alone.
“Wow, y’all are protesting? Really? Man, I don’t understand. It’s not Republicans causing all this destruction, you know, burning up the streets, blocking roads and things like that. It’s the liberals,” Alexander begins.
I got a buddy, he could be this guys dad.
After a few Jameson’s, some Elvis on the box, it’s a hoot to get him wound up about BLM and their stupid shit.
He wants to hire a “boy” he is getting old and can’t do stuff on a ladder, he needs an apprentice. Wants a black person, pay is $15 an hour to start, a truck and per diem on the road. He cannot find one qualified, cannot have a criminal record and he checks facebook. Last time I saw him he said, “Looks like I’m gonna have to hire a white boy.”.
Installs/maintains carousels, like the system Amazon uses to computer fill orders. Would become an awesome career.
Sounds like a damn good job an’ it don’t reguire no colloge dogree neither.