Pentagon to End Gun-Free Zones on Military Bases – IOTW Report

Pentagon to End Gun-Free Zones on Military Bases

Breitbart: On November 18, the Pentagon issued a Defense Department directive that will “allow Department of Defense (D0D) personnel to carry firearms and employ deadly force while performing official duties.”

Secretary of Defense Robert Work approved the directive. reports that the directive “also provides detailed guidance to the services for permitting soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guard personnel to carry privately owned firearms on DoD property.” It authorizes “commanders, 05 and above…[to] grant permission to DoD personnel requesting to carry a privately owned firearm (concealed or open carry) on DoD property for a personal protection purpose not related to performance of an official duty or status.”  read more

19 Comments on Pentagon to End Gun-Free Zones on Military Bases

  1. Anybody wanna put 20 bucks on there ever being a another rampage like “Major” NeedleDick Hasan’s on a U.S. military base if everybody is packing?

    Yeah, didn’t think I’d get any of you to take that one.

    13 dead soldiers, shot like fish in a barrel. What a g-damned waste.

  2. I bet it will take Moochie or Reggie a week to dig Jugears’ panties out of his ass and pussy. the emperor standing naked has no clothes and no one to give a shit about him. Booooo f*king Hooooo.

  3. A tiny, little, baby step in the right direction, but mostly crap window dressing. Read the article and you’ll find…

    They’re talking about private weapons being carried for reasons OTHER THAN official duties. That closes all legal doors opened for govt agents’ loopholes. Also, the permission is good for a whopping 90 days, then it may be renewed but only if you certify that the original justification (yes, they need to justify the request) is still the same. Finally, since it is a personal weapon carried concealed for personal purposes, they need to follow all applicable state/local laws. So, if you are working an enlistment center in CT, NY, MD, DC, etc., you are SOL.

    Don’t start throwing the confetti just yet.

  4. @uncle al. Easy big fella. The left has been working for decades to defang us. It will take time to reverse their tyranny. Enjoy a victory when you get one.

    Incidentally, I am waiting with bated breath the street date delivery on Friday of “All the gallant men”, a book by one of the few survivors of the uss Arizona at Pearl Harbor.

    I’ll do a book report if you want.

  5. @PHenry – Yes, symbolic victories are better than no victories at all.

    And I am looking forward to a report on the Arizona book. Fair’s fair, I’ll swap you a report on the book I’m in the middle of at the moment: The Secret War: Spies, Ciphers, and Guerrillas, 1939-1945 by Max Hastings. I’ve read about a quarter and it is (mostly) fascinating, especially after recently reading Marching Orders by Bruce Lee (not the martial arts guy, duh) about the effect that the Allies’ breaking of the German and Japanese Enigma, Purple, etc., ciphers had on the war. Now that is a fine book!

  6. @Jimmy
    I’d like for your son, daughter-in-law and two grand children to know that my family and I wish to thank them profusely for their service to America and we wish them the very best.

  7. They militaryary is islamaphobic. We all know this is aimed at people of cor and muslimes. What next? Forcing men to use men’s rest rooms? Maybe president oblowme will get his phone and his pen and stop this.

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