Ex-CIA boss Petraeus indicates would serve Trump if asked – IOTW Report

Ex-CIA boss Petraeus indicates would serve Trump if asked

LONDON (Reuters) – Retired U.S. general David Petraeus indicated on Wednesday that he would serve in President-elect Donald Trump’s administration if he was offered a job, according to an interview on Britain’s BBC radio.

The Wall Street Journal has reported that Petraeus, who resigned as CIA chief in 2012 after an extra-marital affair was revealed, was under consideration for the post of defense secretary.

Asked if he would agree to serve in the Trump administration, Petraeus said: “I’ve been in a position before where a president has turned to me in the Oval Office in a difficult moment and …. said ‘I’m asking you as your president and commander-in-chief to take command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan’.

“The only response can be ‘yes, Mr President’.”  more here

12 Comments on Ex-CIA boss Petraeus indicates would serve Trump if asked

  1. No. No. No. I’m sorry. But he gave state secrets to his mistress. He is not to be trusted again. Being so cavalier with our nation’s secrets is unforgivable. Thank you for your service, general, but no more.

  2. While you’re writing your comments here about what you think of various news about candidates for this or that position, keep another browser open to http://www.greatagain.gov and go there to write up as many suggestions or thoughts to the Trump transition team. Can’t hurt, might help. I know it makes me feel like I’ve put in my 2 cents and they are asking for our input. So, have at it!

  3. He has stated as much as admitted a piece of ass can and demonstrably will loosen up his tongue, he is DEMONSTRABLY unfit for qualifying for a top secret security clearance. Done deal. It’s not even on the table. America’s security cannot afford a guy that demonstrably puts a piece of ass above the country’s security.

    It really boils down to that last sentence.

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