I’d rather see Donald Trump hand the UN its eviction notice – IOTW Report

I’d rather see Donald Trump hand the UN its eviction notice


I have nothing against Nikki Haley. And I’m sure she’d be fine as the US Ambassador to the United Nations. But personally, I’d rather see Donald Trump hand the UN its eviction notice.

Why is the United States permitting this freak show of tyrants and human rights abusers to continue to operate on US soil?

And why in Lucifer’s reach are we pretending this radical, anti-American organization has any purpose or relevance?

Let them set up shop in Saudi Arabia.

Let’s be honest. The United Nations stopped being worthwhile fifty years ago. That is if they were ever worthwhile at all.


21 Comments on I’d rather see Donald Trump hand the UN its eviction notice

  1. “Why is the United States permitting this freak show of tyrants and human rights abusers to continue to operate on US soil?”

    Only up side I can see is the old line, think it was from a gangster movie …”keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

  2. I could not agree with the sentiments of all the people who have commented on this post any more

    Nikki Haley has the job I lust for. Gutting and evicting the UN. Bring a shotgun, a chainsaw and an axe.
    It’s time to destroy this awful awful awful fraud that fucks the US at every opportunity.

  3. How about we make them self deport. No more diplomatic immunity for the members’ kids who are raping, murdering and racking up traffic tickets. Remember that (Indian woman, I think) chick who had an assistant or whatever who kept slaves in her apartment? The slaves got released but had no legal recourse because that captor bitch got sent home with a finger wag. Imagine the weird criminal shit going on we don’t know about just because they have immunity!

  4. Send the UN to the ME & take that &%#$ Nikki Haley with you, folks, and if you get a chance, grab that pussy, Lindsay Graham & toss him in the boat, with ya.
    Make South Carolina Great Again, ppl.

  5. Zeroh and Comrade, I was hoping she’d fade away and I was unpleasantly surprised to see this. She so fake. I do have say, thank goodness she’s out of SC. I do hope she takes Lindsey with her.

  6. The prog elites and blind leftist media are impressed with Haley as UN Ambassador. That should alert you that Trump is playing leftists once more. RINO Nikki Haley has a worthless cabinet position with a hopefully soon to be defunded/defunct corrupt organization. Chill out folks, just a red herring for the left.

  7. Still, the UN site is a prime piece of NYC waterfront that has yuuuuuuge development potential; I’m sure DJT salivates over what he could do with a piece of land that valuable. Location is everything in real estate and that land has it.

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