Report: Wilbur Ross has accepted commerce secretary position – IOTW Report

Report: Wilbur Ross has accepted commerce secretary position

WaExaminer: Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross has accepted President-elect Trump’s offer to serve as commerce secretary in the incoming administration, according to multiple reports Tuesday evening.

An announcement from Trump’s transition team is expected on Wednesday, according to NBC News.

Ross has no political experience, but he has echoed Trump’s calls to improve U.S. trade agreements and supported increasing tariffs imposed on China.  read more

3 Comments on Report: Wilbur Ross has accepted commerce secretary position

  1. I’m really enjoying watching this administration come together. This is what looking out for ordinary Americans looks like.

    I see REgressives who last week had their hair on fire now going into full body immolation. Schumer is already trotting out the war on seniors crap.

    He must be doing something right because you don’t draw fire unless you’re over the target.

  2. This is one of the guys Trump said was a real shark when it comes to making great deals. So glad to see this admin coming together. Now, if Trump would just take the mic and say that Romney was just a freakin’ joke…

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